csdcorp / speech_to_text

A Flutter plugin that exposes device specific text to speech recognition capability.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
351 stars 218 forks source link

listenFor and pauseFor not working with english language #443

Closed NguyenPhatBG closed 7 months ago

NguyenPhatBG commented 7 months ago

Vietnamese is work fine, but english for about 20s is auto turn off with status notListening? My settings: await speech.listen( onResult: resultListener, localeId: _localeId, listenMode: ListenMode.confirmation, cancelOnError: true, partialResults: true, onDevice: false, listenFor: const Duration(minutes: 1), pauseFor: const Duration(seconds: 3), ); @sowens-csd Wrong on android devices