The site uses the TTS function.
I already tried adding the speech_to_text plugin, but nothing changed.
I/chromium(11238): [INFO:CONSOLE(122)] "[object GeolocationPositionError]", source: https://v.xn--80afadcu2d.xn--p1ai/assets/index-77d46c9d.js (122)
I/chromium(11238): [INFO:CONSOLE(40)] "ReferenceError: SpeechSynthesisUtterance is not defined", source: https://v.xn--80afadcu2d.xn--p1ai/assets/index-77d46c9d.js (40)
I/chromium(11238): [INFO:CONSOLE(59)] "React Router caught the following error during render ReferenceError: SpeechSynthesisUtterance is not defined [object Object]", source: https://v.xn--80afadcu2d.xn--p1ai/assets/index-77d46c9d.js (59)
Those errors don't look like they are coming from the STT plugin, did you perhaps post to the wrong plugin? This is speech to text, not text to speech.
The site uses the TTS function. I already tried adding the speech_to_text plugin, but nothing changed.