csdl / makahiki

An Open Source "Serious Game" Framework for Sustainability
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Normalize date use for events #484

Closed rbrewer closed 11 years ago

rbrewer commented 12 years ago

Events have 2 different temporal attributes that affect when the event is displayed and unlocked: publication date and the unlock predicate. Currently, publication date is ignored when unlocking events, but consulted for the Upcoming Events widget. The unlock predicate is used for unlocking (is it also used when displaying upcoming events?)

This means that challenge admins who are trying to create events have to enter date info in multiple places: event date, publication date (usually set to the day 7 days before event date), and the unlock predicate should be set to something like unlock_on_event(this-event-slug, days=-7). This isn't very DRY, it would be better if there was one field that you could enter the event date into and then check a box to make it unlock and display in Upcoming Events 7 days beforehand. Or something to make this less complicated and confusing for challenge admins.

yongwen commented 11 years ago

see #504