Trying to follow the heatcxx example on Windows and ran into a few issues:
I created the WRAP environment but instead of 'conda install babelizer', I pip installed the head of the development branch.
The 'vs2019_compiler_vars.bat' file in the etc/conda directory does not work properly (VSWHERE related I believe). I fixed it by setting the path to my VS Build tools. Further, I do not have access to VS 2019, only VS 2017 or VS 2022. Am I correct to believe that this should not be an issue, as long as all the environmental variables are set correctly?
Compiling and building now works fine but the 'babelize init' command throws errors (see attached text file).
Python: 3.11.9 (3.12 does not work due to issues with REGEX)
Babelizer: 0.3.10.dev0
Trying to follow the heatcxx example on Windows and ran into a few issues:
I created the WRAP environment but instead of 'conda install babelizer', I pip installed the head of the development branch.
Python: 3.11.9 (3.12 does not work due to issues with REGEX) Babelizer: 0.3.10.dev0
Everything works fine in Linux up to the BMI tester ( as well as on MacOS (
Not sure what causes the babelizer to fail in Windows. Is this still related to the env. variables not set correctly when activating the environment?