cse110-sp23-group3 / 8-ball

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8-ball answer list #11

Closed phuanh004 closed 1 year ago

phuanh004 commented 1 year ago

Right now we have the answer set from @yujiaen1999:

    const answers = [
      "It is certain.",
      "It is decidedly so.",
      "Without a doubt.",
      "Yes, definitely.",
      "You may rely on it.",
      "As I see it, yes.",
      "Most likely.",
      "Outlook good.",
      "Signs point to yes.",
      "Reply hazy, try again.",
      "Ask again later.",
      "Better not tell you now.",
      "Cannot predict now.",
      "Concentrate and ask again.",
      "Don't count on it.",
      "My reply is no.",
      "My sources say no.",
      "Outlook not so good.",
      "Very doubtful."

When I play with my ChatGPT, there are some we could use as well:

const answers = [
             "As I see it, yes.",
            "Ask again later.",
            "Better not tell you now.",
            "Cannot predict now.",
            "Concentrate and ask again.",
            "Don’t count on it.",
            "It is certain.",
            "It is decidedly so.",
            "Most likely.",
            "My reply is no.",
            "My sources say no.",
            "Outlook not so good.",
            "Outlook good.",
            "Reply hazy, try again.",
            "Signs point to yes.",
            "Very doubtful.",
            "Without a doubt.",
            "Yes – definitely.",
            "You may rely on it.",
            "The cake is a lie.",
            "42 is the answer to everything."
phuanh004 commented 1 year ago

Since no more contributions, I'm now close this