cse163 / book

Source code for the CSE 163: Intermediate Data Programming book (with code for practice problems)
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Investigate better format for Quiz slides #15

Open hschafer opened 3 years ago

hschafer commented 3 years ago

I don't completely love that we are just using plain text for question options and telling students to write their own spaces.

The challenge is I don't know how to do more complicated HTML in templating language. Can we figure out something better like:

What do we do about solutions? Probably going to be too difficult for a V1, so we will likely omit since that requires more complex logic.

hschafer commented 3 years ago

Maybe a simpler (but more manually-intensive) task would be to convert all the quiz slides to some sort of Google Form?

hschafer commented 3 years ago

Another possible idea for quiz solutions is to put an expandable box with the answer:


````{admonition} Output
:class: dropdown

Calling b's fun2
Ending b's fun2
Calling a's fun2
Calling a's fun1
Ending a's fun1
Ending a's fun2

Notice that module_a 's fun2 behaves exactly the same as it was defined, even though we defined our own fun1 and fun2 in module_b (the scopes are different).

hschafer commented 3 years ago

Another, much more complex option is to make a custom directive for each question type and have it output HTML with the proper form element. Wouldn't save their answers, but maybe could include some JS logic to check for correct answers.

debbieyuster commented 2 years ago

@hschafer It's not exactly what you're looking for, but WeBWorK problems can be embedded...it's a platform intended primarily for math problems, but there is some Python functionality too. And certainly multiple choice is supported. Here's an example of embedded Calculus exercises. This book was written with PreTeXt, but the WeBWorK embedding is possible either way.