Checkpoint Deliverable 1: Project Setup and Git Configurations Menu Option Implementation
The first checkpoint deliverable focuses on setting up the development environment and implementing the Git configurations menu option in Python IDLE. It includes the installation of necessary libraries, integrating GitPython, and creating the menu option interface. Users will be able to access the menu option and navigate through the available sub-options, although the functionality of individual sub-options may not be fully implemented at this stage.
At the first checkpoint, we will provide a working implementation of the Git Configurations menu option in Python IDLE. Users will be able to access the menu option, view the available sub-options, and navigate through them. However, the functionality of each sub-option may not be fully implemented at this stage.
Our goal for this first checkpoint is to create a skeleton of our UI and then connect it to our backend code for our next checkpoint. We wish to re-create what is shown in VS Code for Git Configurations to Python IDLE. The following are the screenshots of what it looks like in VS Code. It has a interactive menu that populates the files that were changed/added to the git stage and so forth.
In this checkpoint, we worked on the UI of our Git Configuration Menu Option in Python IDLE. We underestimated the work required for this checkpoint as we had to look over tkinter documentation and tutorials to make progress in our work. We first attempted to created a menu option called "Git" but was unable to do before the milestone deadline. We resorted to creating it as a suboption in one of the menu's in Python Shell under the Option menu called "Git Configurations" as we learned this in previous class projects.
Next, we made it create an additional window where we will do the git commands as shown below:
Currently we are in process of changing the design of our UI to be more user friendly and easy to use. We will be reworking this in the following week and then start our back-end code to implement the features associated with git.
Checkpoint Deliverable 1: Project Setup and Git Configurations Menu Option Implementation
Description: The first checkpoint deliverable focuses on setting up the development environment and implementing the Git configurations menu option in Python IDLE. It includes the installation of necessary libraries, integrating GitPython, and creating the menu option interface. Users will be able to access the menu option and navigate through the available sub-options, although the functionality of individual sub-options may not be fully implemented at this stage.
Deliverable: At the first checkpoint, we will provide a working implementation of the Git Configurations menu option in Python IDLE. Users will be able to access the menu option, view the available sub-options, and navigate through them. However, the functionality of each sub-option may not be fully implemented at this stage.
Our goal for this first checkpoint is to create a skeleton of our UI and then connect it to our backend code for our next checkpoint. We wish to re-create what is shown in VS Code for Git Configurations to Python IDLE. The following are the screenshots of what it looks like in VS Code. It has a interactive menu that populates the files that were changed/added to the git stage and so forth.
In this checkpoint, we worked on the UI of our Git Configuration Menu Option in Python IDLE. We underestimated the work required for this checkpoint as we had to look over tkinter documentation and tutorials to make progress in our work. We first attempted to created a menu option called "Git" but was unable to do before the milestone deadline. We resorted to creating it as a suboption in one of the menu's in Python Shell under the Option menu called "Git Configurations" as we learned this in previous class projects.
Next, we made it create an additional window where we will do the git commands as shown below:
Currently we are in process of changing the design of our UI to be more user friendly and easy to use. We will be reworking this in the following week and then start our back-end code to implement the features associated with git.