cse442-at-ub / project_s23-atomic

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Create a Custom Habit #31

Closed Wrenmart closed 1 year ago

Wrenmart commented 1 year ago

Task Tests

Note: The "final version" idea would be to have counters reset per specified timeframe, such as daily or weekly. This will not be implemented unless this message is removed, for simplicity. It could be a separate task.

Test 1 - Standard usage

  1. Go to https://www-student.cse.buffalo.edu/CSE442-542/2023-Spring/cse-442q/ and click sign up
  2. Register with the following credentials: cactus1 cactus1@example.com cactus12 cactus12
  3. Select 3 random habits, then click next.
  4. Click Create New and then Click the "Create Your Own" box
  5. Type the Title: "Eat 2 oranges per day."
  6. Type the Details: "Ensuring you get sufficient vitamins."
  7. Enter in the Counter: "2"
  8. Click Submit
  9. Verify habit was created with the inputted information
  10. Click the "back to home", verify your habit displays in the correct category