cse442-at-ub / project_s23-atomic

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Create Page for Preset Habits #32

Closed karli-T closed 1 year ago

karli-T commented 1 year ago

Task Tests Test 1

  1. Go to [https://www-student.cse.buffalo.edu/CSE442-542/2023-Spring/cse-442q/] and verify you are taken to the landing page
  2. Log in with the credentials: username [last], password [12345678], and click log-in
  3. Verify you are redirected to the home page and click the blue "Create New" button
  4. Verify you are taken to a new page given you the option to choose habits from recommendation or create your own
  5. Click the left box area to choose from recommendations and verify you are taken to a new page displaying lists of habits
  6. Scroll down and find the "Harmful" box and find the "Gossip" habit. Verify when you hover over it, it becomes underline and it moves.
  7. Click the habit and verify you are redirected to a new page displaying the habit in detail and a success message appears
  8. Click the "Back to Home" link and verify you are returned to the home page with the habit displayed under the social category

Test 2

  1. Go to [https://www-student.cse.buffalo.edu/CSE442-542/2023-Spring/cse-442q/] and verify you are taken to the landing page
  2. Log in with the credentials: username [last], password [12345678], and click log-in
  3. Verify you are redirected to the home page and click the blue "Create New" button
  4. Verify you are taken to a new page given you the option to choose habits from recommendation or create your own
  5. Click the left box area to choose from recommendations and verify you are taken to a new page displaying lists of habits
  6. Scroll down and find the "Harmful" box and find the "Bite Nails" habit. Verify when you hover over it, it becomes underline and it moves.
  7. Click the habit and verify an error message appears alerting you that the habit exists in your account