cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-chicken-add

442projects-chicken-add created by GitHub Classroom
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Level Design #27

Open depaolatom opened 4 years ago

depaolatom commented 4 years ago

As a player, I need a level to play in, so a level needs to be designed.

hanselal commented 4 years ago

2nd priority

Brianb4498 commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test 1: (1) When hitting play from the start menu, it should navigate to the game and start playing the music. (2) When hitting back from the pause menu, it should navigate to the game and start playing the music. (3) When the song ends, it should loop and play again. (4) When leaving the game scene, the song should stop playing.

Brianb4498 commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test 2: (1) Once the game is started the start menu music should start playing . (2) When navigating to the options menu from the start menu, the music should continue to play. (3) When pressing play to play the game, the start music should stop when leaving the start menu scene. (4) If exit game is selected from the pause menu, the start music should start playing again once the player is returned to the start menu.

depaolatom commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test 3:

  1. Press 'play' from main menu.
  2. Play game using 'WASD' or arrow keys.
  3. Character dies when it falls off the stage.
  4. Character dies when it touches the computer enemy.
  5. Character dies when it touches the spiked block enemy.
  6. When player reaches the end of the level a new scene will be triggered.
  7. When new scene appears, player can click 'exit game' to return to the main menu.
  8. If character dies, it will respawn at its original spawn point and the camera will follow it.
goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance test 4: 1) Open game to GameMenu 2) Made sure background and objects were moved inside of the canvas 3) Navigate to OptionsMenu 4) Made sure background and objects were moved inside of the canvas

goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test 5:

  1. Press play on the main menu
  2. when you spawn in to the level move the player to the right by pressing "d" or the right arrow key
  3. Observe character being followed by the camera
goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test 6:

  1. press play button
  2. you will see that the level does not have idle blocks outside of the play area
  3. too further observe you can look at the Level_Design folder to see the assets new location
goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance test 7:

  1. Launch game
  2. Press play
  3. move player using wasd keys or arrow keys
  4. observe the camera follow the player as you move along the map
goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance test 8:

  1. Press play
  2. midway through the level you will observe a spike block that will kill you on impact (This asset is located in the LevelDesign folder and is taged as "Enemy" to damage the player)
  3. The character encounters several computer enemies, which need to be avoided or killed in order to progress.
goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance test 9: (Developer)

  1. Open desired gamescene
  2. Click LevelGenerator asset
  3. increase Coloring map size by however many assets you want to include in the level under the script
  4. Drag and drop assets in array slots
  5. Create a png that has each asset you want to include in your level as pixel (see example below)Level01.png
goktuggeneci commented 4 years ago

Acceptance test 10:

  1. Press play
  2. Move player with 'WASD' key and play through level
  3. Player will encounter -Grass blocks (to stand on) -Dirt blocks (to stand on) -Spike blocks (kills player) -Computer enemy (kills enemy on impact, can be shot)