cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-create-team-name

442projects-create-team-name created by GitHub Classroom
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Restaurant Information UI Fragment #5

Open BrianFenster opened 5 years ago

BrianFenster commented 5 years ago

As someone who doesn't know much about a restaurant, I want to click on that restaurant so that I can see information about that restaurant.


  1. Create new UI fragment.
  2. Add an image field and text fields for name, location, phone number, website, and related tags.

Acceptance test. Launch the app, tap either random or enter a tag and get a list of results. Tap on a result and be taken to an info page for that app.

zjross commented 5 years ago

Acceptance Test Script:

  1. To get the restaurant info page: 1) Open the app and arrive at the home menu. 2) Click "I don't know what I want" OR the magnifying glass icon in the search bar. You should arrive at a list of restaurants. 3) Click on any one of the restaurants in the list. You are now at the restaurant info page.
  2. You should see a picture (house), name of restaurant, address, phone number, website, and tags fields. You can click on any of the links and be taken to them.