cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-cse442_project

442projects-cse442_project created by GitHub Classroom
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Task: Upload servers post to database and Store the converted product information to database #45

Open YYaaao opened 5 years ago

YYaaao commented 5 years ago


  1. Post page with inputting bars("Product Name", "Ad Description", "Photos For Your Ad", "Price", "Email", "PhoneNumber"), "POST button" to submit
  2. define inputs rules and track on back_end
  3. connect "product" database with "POST button"(insert only when inputs satisfied requirement )
  4. require "login in before post"

Task test:

  1. The "post page" contains inputting bars("Product Name", "Ad Description", "Photos For Your Ad", "Price", "Email", "PhoneNumber"), "POST button" to submit

  2. "POST button" verify login_in condition and reject to post when _SESSION[username] is empty.

    2.1 back_end verify "Product Name", "Price", "Email" empty and reject with alert(All fields with * are required)

      2.11 "Price", "Email", "Product Name" input length limited by ("Email" <= 35, "Price" <=10, "Product Name" <=25). unable to enter after limit lengh

    2.2 back_end verify email must contain "@" , reject with alert(email is not a valid email address')

    2.3 image_size > 2MB OR image.end not ("jpg","gif","bmp","jpeg","png") reject by size_checking and end_checking. reject when not satified.

  3. "product" database get inserted by "POST success product" through $insertsql by following format