cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-cse442_project

442projects-cse442_project created by GitHub Classroom
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As a buyer, I want to see big post of a specific product, so that I can see more details of the product. #73

Open YYaaao opened 5 years ago

YYaaao commented 5 years ago

Acceptance test:

  1. Go to the UB trade website https://www-student.cse.buffalo.edu/CSE442-542/2019-Fall/cse-442r/
  2. Click on the post ("used Iphone X").WeChatc02d50a5efa11b2901981aa4db5e6372.png
  3. You will direct to the big post of "used Iphone X".
  4. All following information should be shown correctly: -images of the product, -phone number "555-555-5555" -email "clearlove@buffalo.edu" -product description "almost new, with case" -product name "used Iphone X" -release date "2019-12-03 23:57:38" -item type "others"