cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-natural-spring-water

442projects-natural-spring-water created by GitHub Classroom
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STORY - Opening Courses from Cart #66

Open sean7723 opened 5 years ago

sean7723 commented 5 years ago

As a student, I want to be able to open the courses in my cart onto a graph so that I can see the relationship between the courses.

jromano8954 commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test

  1. Go to the landing page
  2. Go to multiple course elements and select the add button
  3. Select the cart button and make sure all added courses appear there
  4. Now select any open button, opening from cart opens all courses from the cart, while opening from a course will essentially add that course to the cart and open all of those courses onto the graph.
  5. Make sure all courses that were added are there with the associated edges
jromano8954 commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Test passed