cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-sonic

442projects-sonic created by GitHub Classroom
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User Story: Manual Food Item Search #42

Closed lwu8891 closed 4 years ago

lwu8891 commented 4 years ago

As a dieter, I want to search for foods, so I can view their nutrition information.

lwu8891 commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Tests:

1) When I type in the search bar, relevant results appear as I type.

2) Clicking on a result brings me to a page for the corresponding food.

ajconnol commented 4 years ago

Task 1: Add Search Bar to Homepage

Task Tests

1) Search bar is visible

Step 1) Load home page

Expected Result: Search Bar is visible 2) Search bar is usable and accepts text

Step 1) Load home page

Step 2) Click search bar

Step 3) Type 'apple'

Expected Results: word apple appears in search bar

Task 2: Link search results to Food Page

Task test

Step 1) Go to app home screen

Step 2) type in any food

Step 3) click on a result

Expected Result: Page for food that was selected loads

Task 3: Pull foods for live search

Task test:

1) Live Results

Step 1) Go to application home page

Step 2) Press Search bar

Step 3) Type "apple"

Expected Results: Search results related to "apple" populate under the search bar.