cse442-fall-2019-offering / 442projects-the-boys

442projects-the-boys created by GitHub Classroom
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add ability to see total number of friends #61

Open jbochnik opened 4 years ago

snmackay commented 4 years ago

Add a test

jbochnik commented 4 years ago

Task Test: 1.) Start on the profile page. 2.) Click on the blue "view friends" button under the profile photo. 3.) Assure that a box pops up with all of your friends and that the title of the box is the correct number of friends that you have followed by "Friends". Ex if you have 5 friends then = 5 Friends. 4.) Click the close button at the bottom of the box. 5.) Add a new friend by clicking on the "add friends" button. 6.) Enter a valid friends username can use if needed "Danny_Devito" 7.) Now Click on the view friends button. 8.) Ensure that your total number of friends has incresed by one.