cse442-fall-2019-offering / Trekbook

442projects-trekbook created by GitHub Classroom
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Map frame and icons #43

Open Orrbit opened 4 years ago

Orrbit commented 4 years ago


User Story:

As a user who is pulling up the login screen, I wish to to see a frame surrounding my map view so that I have an idea of the features and a baseline to my menu


There should be three icons on the frame. One indicative of a log out, one that appears to be the current users icon, and one that is a multi people icon which is indicative of a friends list. The current user and friends list will open a slide out menu that lays over about 80% of the map from opposite sides.

Acceptance Criteria

Orrbit commented 4 years ago

My seal of approval for this story on the Android side of things