As a logged in user, I want to be able to see all of the pins that I have previously dropped on the map before logging out so that I can create a history of where I have been.
We will need to be able to send pin information to the backend and tie a specific geo tag to a User ID.
"user_id": 1,
"title": "title test",
"description": "description test",
"latitude": 12.2342353,
"longitude": 234.235346
Acceptance Criteria
User can login and drop a pin on the map with an event title and a description
User should be able to log out of their profile
If the user restarts the app and logs back in to the same profile, they will see that the pin they dropped is on the map
If you click on the pin, then you can see the same description and event title appear in the caption box.
User Story:
As a logged in user, I want to be able to see all of the pins that I have previously dropped on the map before logging out so that I can create a history of where I have been.
We will need to be able to send pin information to the backend and tie a specific geo tag to a User ID. { "user_id": 1, "title": "title test", "description": "description test", "latitude": 12.2342353, "longitude": 234.235346 }
Acceptance Criteria