cseelhoff / RimThreaded

RimThreaded is a RimWorld mod designed to enable RimWorld to utilize multiple threads.
MIT License
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Incompatibility with Share the Load #572

Closed BigBadE closed 3 years ago

BigBadE commented 3 years ago

IMPORTANT: Please first search existing bugs to ensure you are not creating a duplicate bug report!

Describe the bug !!! bug description here !!! RimThreaded and Share The Load causes the float menu for hauling items to not appear. Though I cannot recreate it, this also seems to affect other things like cleaning, tending, and growing. I am unsure if it is Share The Load causing the other cases.

Steps to reproduce the behavior (VERY IMPORTANT)

  1. Force a pawn to haul steel to the wall blueprints
  2. Attempt to force another pawn to haul steel to the wall blueprints

Error Log !!! Link to contents of Player.log or Error.log (MUST BE LINK) !!! !!! Link to HugsLib log. (MUST BE LINK) !!! https://git.io/Jny5D

Save file !!! Please add a save file where the issue occurs to speed up testing and fixing of the issue !!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/g1n63kguwur740o/Float%20Menu%20Bug.rws?dl=1

Screenshots !!! Add screenshots to help explain your problem here !!! Doesn't show anything

Mod list (Preferably a RimPy compatible list.)

pastorismylord commented 3 years ago

this issue has been fixed