csells / go_router

The purpose of the go_router for Flutter is to use declarative routes to reduce complexity, regardless of the platform you're targeting (mobile, web, desktop), handling deep linking from Android, iOS and the web while still allowing an easy-to-use developer experience.
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[Proposal] [Enhancement] Add BuildContext to redirect #184

Closed nosmirck closed 2 years ago

nosmirck commented 2 years ago


When we use the redirect we might want to check for dependencies injected in the widget tree using the context.

For instance, I have pages that are only accessible under certain user permissions. In Flutter web a user can simply type the url path to the page they want to see (navigate) but if the permission is not present the page should redirect.

I have the permissions up in the tree as the state of a bloc (using flutter bloc) and it would be great if I could receive the context in the redirect and simply find the bloc's state.

I believe this is possible, either passing the current navigator's state's context to the redirect callback or to the GoRouterState.

csells commented 2 years ago

I agree with you. Unfortunately the lack of context during the redirect phase is a limitation of the underlying Router API.

letsar commented 2 years ago

It would be really useful though. Can't we pass some kind of locator to the GoRouter constructor that would be passed to the GoRouterDelegate and ultimately provided by the redirect callback?

The locator could be something like:

typedef GoRouterLocator = T Function<T>();

and then we could use it like this in the state of a StatefulWidget (if using provider):

late final GoRouter goRouter = GoRouter(locator: context.read);
lulupointu commented 2 years ago

Actually this is possible but it would mean moving the code which is inside GoRouter into a (statefull) _GoRouterWidget.

The role of GoRouter would then only be to create this _GoRouterWidget (and to pass down the attributes + the notifyListener callback).

Just for future reference (since people look more into issues than PR): I don't even see when it would be useful to have the context (or locator) in the redirect callback since you already have a context in the State holding GoRouter.

letsar commented 2 years ago

It would be very useful to have access to a locator through GoRouterState in different situations. You may want to have your routes in a final variable outside of any StatefulWidget and since each GoRoute has a redirect function, we can also use the locator in these places. You may also want to have the redirect function a top-level function. This is more flexible and powerful that putting the GoRouter's instance in a StatefulWidget.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

Let's discuss this here instead of in the PR, for future reference.

What about using a function parameter? Use void _redirect(BuildContext context, GoRouterState state) {...})?

This approach is not more flexible, it is:

letsar commented 2 years ago

Well, it was just simple example. But if you define the routes as a final variable outside of the StatefulWidget, you can't do that since you can't pass the BuildContext to the routes.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

If we needed another proof that global variable are bad:


loginGoRoute = GoRoute(
  path: '/login',
  pageBuilder: (context, state) => MaterialPage<void>(
    key: state.pageKey,
    child: const LoginPage(),
  redirect: (state) {
      final loginInfo = context.read<LoginInfo>();
      final loggedIn = loginInfo.loggedIn;

      // the user is logged in and headed to /login, no need to login again
      if (loggedIn) return '/';

      // no need to redirect at all
      return null;


GoRoute loginGoRouteBuilder(BuildContext context) => GoRoute(
  path: '/login',
  pageBuilder: (context, state) => MaterialPage<void>(
    key: state.pageKey,
    child: const LoginPage(),
  redirect: (state) {
      final loginInfo = context.read<LoginInfo>();
      final loggedIn = loginInfo.loggedIn;

      // the user is logged in and headed to /login, no need to login again
      if (loggedIn) return '/';

      // no need to redirect at all
      return null;

The second case better in many cases anyway, what if you want to pass routes to your GoRoute which are defined elsewhere?

Here is an example ```dart GoRoute homeGoRouteBuilder(BuildContext context, List routes) => GoRoute( path: '/', pageBuilder: (context, state) => MaterialPage( key: state.pageKey, child: HomePage(families: Families.data), ), routes: routes, ); ``` Still not convinced?
lulupointu commented 2 years ago

@letsar I'm sorry to be so contradictory. I think your PR was great, which documentation, README update and example, and would have loved to accept it. However, since I am more concerned about the usefulness of any feature increasing the API surface, I need to be convinced that there is a real need.

letsar commented 2 years ago

Global immutable variables are not bad, look at how riverpod is built. But this is not the subject.

By transforming our variable held somewhere in a class or at the top-level, by a function needing a BuildContext, we just make things really hard to implement since we have to pass the context everywhere. And by the way, the solution provided doesn't prevent anyone to do it like you suggested if they prefer. It only add a simple way to get dependencies from any route no matter where they are defined.

It's good to have contradictory point of vue, it's challenging and helps to see if something is really necessary. Here I don't think that it adds that much complexity in the codebase of go_router and yet if offers a really simple way to resolve the solution.

In a big app with different modules being independent and each module defining its own navigation, it would take a lot of work to refactor everything by passing a BuildContext everywhere and in my opinion it adds more complexity in the codebase.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

Agree to disagree, I like to pass my dependencies manually to make them transparent but I agree it's more verbose than passing dependencies by DI (which is basically what you do in locator, I think you know that looking at the name you chose :sweat_smile: )

Just to clarify 2 things that you seem to have misunderstood:

Global immutable variables are not bad, look at how riverpod is built

I agree, I meant that here they are bad because they prevent you from passing dependencies around (look at my second example with homeGoRouteBuilder

I don't think that it adds that much complexity in the codebase of go_router

It's not just the code added to the package in itself but the number of concept of a package. This is one more attribute, some more documentation to read. You might say that people can ignore it but having too much things are quite overwhelming, especially for newcomers.

Now that that's said, maybe you could argue that redirect functions nearly always need the context because of what they are: they look at the outside dependencies vs the GoRouterState and make a decision based on that. With which I agree, and therefore might consider adding a context variable to redirect (as I already said was possible). I would not do this for a package developed for my personal use but since it's a public package. Let's see what others think :)

letsar commented 2 years ago

I agree that it would be better in fact to have access to the BuildContext from the redirect function, since it's more flexible.

But in order to do this, as you said, we need to have a dedicated StatefulWidget to instantiate GoRouter (let's call it GoRouterProvider) and pass its BuildContext to the GoRouterDelegate. It would be a major breaking change since people would have to use this new GoRouterProvider widget to create their GoRouter and change all their redirect function to accept the new passed BuildContext.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

This would be a breaking change because the signature of the redirect function would change.

This would not be a breaking change for the reasons you cited. The change from GoRouterDelegate to GoRouterDelegate + _GoRouterDelegateWidget would not be visible from the user perspective.

Where is the idea:

class GoRouterDelegate extends ... {

  // No access to `context` here, so `redirect` can't have a `context`

  build(BuildContext context) {
    return Navigator(...);

class GoRouterDelegate extends ... {

  build(BuildContext context) {
    return _GoRouterDelegateWidget(...);

class _GoRouterDelegateWidget extends StatefulWidget {

  const _GoRouterDelegateWidget({Key? key, ...}) : super(key: key);

  _GoRouterDelegateWidgetState createState() => _GoRouterDelegateWidgetState();

class _GoRouterDelegateWidgetState extends State<_GoRouterDelegateWidget> {

  // Here we have a `context`

  build(BuildContext context) {
    return Navigator(...);
letsar commented 2 years ago

I don't understand the before/after. For the moment GoRouterDelegate is not a widget and already extends RouterDelegate<Uri>, thus it doesn't have a build method and can't have one. What did I miss?

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

Sorry the example was not complete as _GoRouterDelegateWidget needed to be statefull. I updated that.

Anyway regarding your question:

For the moment GoRouterDelegate is not a widget and already extends RouterDelegate<Uri>, thus it doesn't have a build method and can't have one

This is right, right and wrong:

letsar commented 2 years ago

wrong: GoRouterDelegate does have a build method

Oh Thanks ! I missed it ! It still don't see how the GoRouterDelegate could be inserted in the widget tree like that, since GoRouter has the responsibility to create the GoRouterDelegate and GoRouter is not a widget, can you elaborate?

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

RouterDelegate is not a widget so is can never be part of the widget tree.

However what RouterDelegate does is created the subtree of the WidgetApp is in given to (see the Router source code which calls RouterDelegate.build, and WidgetApp source code which create a Router)

So if we use _GoRouterDelegateWidget in GoRouterDelegate.build, _GoRouterDelegateWidget will be in the widget tree and therefore _GoRouterDelegateWidgetState will have a valid context as any other widget.

letsar commented 2 years ago

Ok I'm starting to see where it can lead, but I'm not sure it would be easily doable. For example, the RouterDelegate overrides setInitialRoutePath. GoRouterDelegate calls a _go method in there that checks first for redirections. Since we're not yet in the StatefulWidget, we would have to use some kind of controller, passed to the _GoRouterDelegateWidget, to do the job and pass its BuildContext to redirect methods.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

I agree that it would not be as simple as moving everything to _GoRouterDelegateWidget. However this is definitely possible by separating the role of GoRouterDelegate (which would only be to expose the current location, notifying its listener when needed), and _GoRouterDelegateWidget the remaining (navigation, routing, matching, redirection ...). I don't think this would require any controller, if this is well design it should only need the passing down the current location and a method to change the url from GoRouterDelegate to _GoRouterDelegateWidget, and a good implementation of _GoRouterDelegateWidgetState.didUpdateWIdget to react to location changes

nosmirck commented 2 years ago

I'm loving this discussion :)

I have a quick question.

When we call context.go('/path') (And any other method like goNamed) which will at some point converge to a call to that _go method is a chained, nested sequence of calls that, at some point, call the redirect, am I correct?

If I am, why not passing that context all the way down?

Now, there is at least one place when the _go method is called without coming from a context, and that's only the very first navigation to the initial route in the delegate's constructor.

At that point, we could have access to a build context if the constructor of the GoRouter requires one, from there on, we can keep passing the context down up to the redirectors and whenever they get triggered they will have the deepest context available from whatever triggers them (like I said, a call that makes _go call)

I haven't had time to sit and test @letsar 's PR properly, but the solution seems very limited to me.

Making the whole thing a widget however makes so much more sense to me (we would wrap the material app with GoRouter and use a builder that passes down the router and delegate to it).

However, I still fail to see how this change can help us get the deepest level context available when redirecting?

Like I mentioned in my example, I might navigate to a page that requires certain permission by just using the browser and forcing the url to go there, the redirect should prevent me from that.

Let's see this example:

/user/42/profile (this goes to the profile page of user with id 42)

At that point I did a navigation that in my builder I wrapped my page in a bloc provider that instantiated a new user profile bloc with the id 42. This is a bloc that exists in the widget tree deep down and as soon as I pop the profile page it gets disposed.

Let's say now that some users have an album of pictures that they can set as public of private.


This is the route to the album. Is a page to explore the pictures.

In my page I can simply hide the button for going to the album's page by checking the flag on the user's model, that's fine, and for mobile is perfect but on web, using the url strategy path, I can force that URL and open the album from any user regardless of the album's flag.

I can try to just double check (the button visibility in the profile check + check again when the page is going to render and show an error if the flag doesn't allow viewing) but I believe this is not a good experience. The user should be automatically redirected to the previous page (/user/42/profile) and that's it. Forcing the url always results in the same thing. Alternatively, we could just redirect to an error page, but never let the user see the url they typed and an error screen that could cause confusion.

Like, if I'm not logged in to my Facebook account but I force the url to a private post, I won't see the post and the url might be redirected to some other page.

Anyways, regardless of how it's done, having access to at least the top level context (above material app at least) that we can have access to injected dependencies even more above the router would be enough for me to say it covers 80% of the most common use cases.

csells commented 2 years ago

Perhaps GoRouter itself could be a widget? In that case, you could use it like so:

Widget build(BuildContext context) => MaterialApp(builder: (context) => _router);

In that case, the redirect could have a context from the router itself. In theory, this would remove the need for a refreshListener too. This was @rrousselGit's idea and I like it.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

As far as I know this is not possible because MaterialApp will report de url, therefore GoRouter will not be able too. At least this was the case a few Months ago but maybe something changed.

csells commented 2 years ago

@lulupointu I'm not sure what "report de url" means.

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

Oh nvm if you use the builder it works !

What I meant is that MaterialApp(home: GoRouter(...)) would not work. But it seems that MaterialApp(builder: (_, __) => GoRouter(...)) does so that's great !

csells commented 2 years ago

Remi's idea in more detail:

class GoRouter extends StatefulWidget {
  const GoRouter({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  _GoRouterState createState() => _GoRouterState();

class _GoRouterState extends State<GoRouter> {
  final delegate = _GoRouterDelegate();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Router(routerDelegate: delegate, ...);

  void dispose() {

  didUpdateWidget(oldWidget) {

GoRouter initialization would change:

void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(builder: (context, _) => GoRouter(...)));

This would enable building the router itself conditionally:

  builder: (context, _) => GoRouter(
    routes: [
      GoRoute(path: '/login', ...),
      if (isLoggedIn) GoRoute(path: '/', ...),

This would also allow provide a context for use in redirect:

Widget build(_) => MaterialApp(builder: (_) => _router);

final _router = GoRouter(
  redirect: (context, state) {
    final loginInfo = LoginInfo.of(context); // rebuild when LoginInfo changes
letsar commented 2 years ago

Yes that would be pretty great indeed!

lulupointu commented 2 years ago

We could even define a build builder on GoRouter like so:

class GoRouter extends StatefulWidget {
  const GoRouter({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  static WidgetBuilder build({Key? key, ...}) => ((_, __) => GoRouter(...));

  _GoRouterState createState() => _GoRouterState();

To be used like so:

void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(builder: GoRouter.build(...)));
ghost commented 2 years ago

For what it's worth, I really like the sound of making GoRouter a Widget :)

jamesblasco commented 2 years ago

Personally I love the idea!

@lulupointu I would go for

MaterialApp(builder: GoRouter.builder(...))

Maybe we could even have a

So it would be like

   data: GoRouterData(...),
final GoRouterController routerController = GoRouter.of(context);
lulupointu commented 2 years ago

GoRouter.builder already exists that's why I used GoRouter.build