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Problems in the Code Screen / "Run Code" Button Disabled #67

Open srcatto opened 1 year ago

srcatto commented 1 year ago

Multiple posts. Exercise RS-8: Write a C program https://www.cc4e.com/tools/ccauto/index.php?PHPSESSID=

The Run Code button isn't working, Reset Code does. To the right-hand side of Reset Code is a little spinner, going for 8 minutes now.

All exercises at - https://www.cc4e.com/lessons/python , picking at random - Object Oriented Programming section 9/13 Implement a Python str class

A posted solution - "For all of the exercises, the "Run Code" button is greyed out and I have to edit the HTML in the Inspect Element section of my browser to remove the "disabled" tag on the button in order to submit my exercises."

Another 2 threads, one post is, 12 days ago
this should do: document.getElementById("runcode").removeAttribute("disabled")

srcatto commented 12 months ago


srcatto commented 9 months ago

Looks like this was fixed. Have re-run 1) autograder Hello World, and exercises RS-1 to RS-4 in Python to C in lesson 2.