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issue with elasticsearch server and PUT requests #8

Open ghukill opened 2 years ago

ghukill commented 2 years ago

@csev - seeing some unusual errors coming back from the class Elasticsearch instance. @arwhyte suggested creating an issue here.

When attempting an autograder, seeing this: Error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

What led me to try that, was seeing this error when attempting to create an index: SerializationError: Unknown mimetype, unable to deserialize: text/html

I’m using the same code and environment that has previously worked without issue. I have confirmed that my elasticsearch client is 7.13.4 (must be > 6 for our ES server, and < 8 for API changes).

Doing a little digging, it sounds like there is potential for network and/or proxies to introduce this behavior?

What is strange, is that I can delete indexes via res = es.indices.delete(index=indexname, ignore=[400, 404]). Which leads me to believe it’s related to the PUT HTTP command that client sends for index creation.

When attempting via raw HTTP PUT request with Postman, seeing this reponse:

<br />
<b>Warning</b>: file_get_contents(http://localhost:9200/_stats/store): failed to open stream: Connection refused in
<b>/var/www/html/elasticsearch/index.php</b> on line <b>63</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Trying to get property 'indices' of non-object in <b>/var/www/html/elasticsearch/index.php</b> on line
<b>65</b><br />
<br />
<b>Notice</b>: Trying to get property 'indices' of non-object in <b>/var/www/html/elasticsearch/index.php</b> on line
<b>69</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <b>/var/www/html/elasticsearch/index.php</b> on line
<b>69</b><br />
    [type] => 2
    [message] => Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
    [file] => /var/www/html/elasticsearch/index.php
    [line] => 69

This makes me think the error is the occurring at the request --> PHP --> elasticsearch layer, which I'm assuming is acting like a reverse proxy of sorts?

ghukill commented 2 years ago

Hadn't thought to actually examine the PHP code until just now. Seeing the method detection here that would explain why DELETE requests are executing okay.

arwhyte commented 2 years ago

@csev, @ghukill -- ran all three assignments without issue. Passed all tests.

csev commented 2 years ago

So it looks like a service on the pg4e.com server went down and just needed restarting.

csev commented 2 years ago

I should make error checking smarter in the PHP code.