csgillespie / poweRlaw

This package implements both the discrete and continuous maximum likelihood estimators for fitting the power-law distribution to data. Additionally, a goodness-of-fit based approach is used to estimate the lower cutoff for the scaling region.
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Change JSS link #97

Closed csgillespie closed 10 months ago

csgillespie commented 3 years ago

Dear Colin Gillespie,

the Journal of Statistical Software (JSS, https://www.jstatsoft.org/) recently migrated to a new server and editorial system, resulting in a change of the URLs being used for publications. Hence we checked all CRAN packages using JSS URLs in the documentation or citation files etc. This includes some of your packages: poweRlaw.

In general we recommend to use DOIs instead of URLs to link to JSS publications. These use the following pattern for articles: 10.18637/jss.vXXX.iYY where XXX is the three-digit volume and YY the two-digit issue. (For code snippets a "cYY" instead of "iYY" is used.) The DOIs are also shown on the web pages of the JSS articles.

For including these in a package you typically use:

We would recommend to change all JSS references in your package correspondingly (even if redirections for the URLs are still working). The corresponding files in the package are: poweRlaw/inst/CITATION poweRlaw/README.md

Thanks for your consideration - and for referring to work published in JSS!

Best regards, Achim Zeileis (JSS co-editor-in-chief)

csgillespie commented 10 months ago

Fixed in version 0.80