csharpfritz / InstantAPIs

A library that generates Minimal API endpoints for an Entity Framework context.
MIT License
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Remove 'Fritz' from the project, namespace, and NuGet package names #62

Closed ScottKane closed 2 years ago

ScottKane commented 2 years ago

That should be Fritz. removed from everywhere for #41

csharpfritz commented 2 years ago

It looks like we also need the github worklow to be updated with the new project name

ScottKane commented 2 years ago

Sorry I missed that, will get it sorted tonight.

ScottKane commented 2 years ago

Fixed build.yaml and buildAndDeploy.yaml. Let me know if there's anything else I missed but I think that should be it.

ScottKane commented 2 years ago

Not sure why this build is failing, can't find any further references to Fritz. in the project. Any ideas?

verbedr commented 2 years ago

Hi @ScottKane, The build action list all the references and using's to Fritz as an error. I cloned your repo and got the same result when performing "dotnet build" in the root of the repository.

I'm not sure how you are looking for the references to "Fritz.", but I would suggest by starting a solution wide search to "Fritz."

Some reference I found:

This is not the complete list, but just a small sample to help you find why you can't find them. I hope this helps

Kr Dries

ScottKane commented 2 years ago

Unsure what happened with the last commit, the changes were made but half of them had been stashed for some reason. Had to remove using Mock; from TestJson/Program.cs as that was causing the build to fail, not sure how that ever worked as the project has no Mock dependency? There was also a load of unused using directives throughout the solution but I thought it best to leave them for now. This is the only one I touched.

verbedr commented 2 years ago

Don't worry about it. It happens to me also, and this is one of the purpose of having the CI. As a tip, when this happens to me, I tend to use rebase and reorganize the commits so nobody notices my mistake...

On another note, can you remove the .idea folder from the commits and put this folder in the .gitignore file? @csharpfritz I guess we will not standardize on that IDEA tool, and just like for visual code we do not include the cache/config folder ".vs/".

ScottKane commented 2 years ago

Done, I'm surprised .idea isn't already ignored in the gitignore template next to .vs at this point but should be fine going forward.

csharpfritz commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the work on this... this was not an easy patch to complete, and I really appreciate it