cshjin / Microgrid_sim

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Simulation Tools #2

Closed cshjin closed 9 years ago

cshjin commented 10 years ago

Choose a wise simulation tool. For details:

CPLEX: IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio Matlab: Introducing Power Electronics matlab Python(SimPy): SimPy

cshjin commented 10 years ago

Another approach is using pyomo, one of the open optimization solver in python under the lib of coopr

cshjin commented 10 years ago

Also comments from my advisor: This is a small enough problem (even with scenarios) that any LP solver should be able to handle the expanded linear programming format of it. Otherwise take a look at the list of software listed at the Stochastic Programming Society: http://stoprog.org/stoprog/software.php .

cshjin commented 10 years ago

Currently using Mathamtica, three simulated result showed as below. winter 24 hour winter week year long

cshjin commented 9 years ago

The problem won't expand too much. So we continue working on AMPL, a mathematical modeling language, CPLEX, a linear programming solver to get solutions, and Python for script to generate, retrieve and analysis data.