cshjin / swmp_ml

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node feature #2

Closed cshjin closed 1 year ago

cshjin commented 1 year ago

Provide a detailed process to extract the node features.

Keys associated with nodes

cshjin commented 1 year ago

bus node features

selected feature column type description
bus_i int bus number
type int bus type (1-4)
Pd float real power demand
Qd float reactive power demand
Gs float shunt conductance
Bs float shunt susceptance
x area int area number
Vm float voltage magnitude
Va float voltage angle
baseKV float base voltage
x zone int loss zone
Vmax float maximum voltage magnitude
Vmin float minimum voltage magnitude

area, zone,

cshjin commented 1 year ago

gen node features

column type description
bus int bus number
Pg float real power output
Qg float reactive power output
Qmax float maximum reactive power output
Qmin float minimum reactive power output
Vg float voltage magnitude setpoint
mBase float total MVA base of machine
status float status, > 0, in-service, <= 0 out-of-service
Pmax float maximum real power output
Pmin float minimum real power output
Pc1 float lower real power output of PQ capability curve
Pc2 float upper real power output of PQ capability curve
Qc1min float minimum reactive power output at PC1
Qc1max float maximum reactive power output at PC1
Qc2min float minimum reactive power output at PC2
Qc2max float maximum reactive power output at PC2
ramp_agc float ramp rate for load following/AGC
ramp_10 float ramp rate for 10 minute reserves
ramp_30 float ramp rate for 30 minute reserves
ramp_q float ramp rate for reactive power (2 sec timescale)
apf float area participation factor
cshjin commented 1 year ago

gmd_bus node features

columns dtype description
parent_index int index of corresponding ac network bus
status binary binary value that defines the status of bus (1: enabled, 0: disabled)
g_gnd float admittance to ground (in unit of Siemens)
name string a descriptive name for the bus
cshjin commented 1 year ago

bus_gmd pos attr

columns dtype description
lat float latitude coordinate of ac network bus and corresponding dc network bus
lon float longitude coordinate of ac network bus and corresponding dc network bus
cshjin commented 1 year ago

Solved in #10

cshjin commented 1 year ago

Close for now

(option) select relevant features for problem formulation