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Pick database #17

Closed Almantask closed 5 years ago

Almantask commented 5 years ago

We need to decide which database to use.

kuromukira commented 5 years ago

SQL Server (T-SQL) would be nice. Pair it up with EF Core. Or if you guys want, we can use dapper to have the performance close to ADO

Almantask commented 5 years ago

About specific database I am not sure, but ORM-wise, EF Core is better suited for our needs. We're not a company with millions of records, top performance is not an issue as of today.

kuromukira commented 5 years ago

About specific database I am not sure, but ORM-wise, EF Core is better suited for our needs. We're not a company with millions of records, top performance is not an issue as of today.

True. SQL Server then 👍

trinitrotoluene commented 5 years ago

I'd suggest PostgreSQL as an alternative. There's an excellent EfCore driver for it, and it's faster under concurrent load.

kuromukira commented 5 years ago

Should we have a vote for what to use?

EmKa-dev commented 5 years ago

I'm fine with anything, I'm fine with PostgreSQL.

Almantask commented 5 years ago

I have always worked with either SQLite, MySQl, T-SQL. I personally find PostgreSQL as a nice new touch. Reading DB choice reviews, I see many people in love with PostgreSQL. Seems that it is a proper implementation for a database, have least quirks compared to the rest. Lastly, it's open source, so it complements our tooling choices :)

Almantask commented 5 years ago

Choice: PostgreSQL.