cskeeters / base16-konsole

Base16 template repository for konsole
MIT License
54 stars 11 forks source link

Linux Mint 18.1 #3

Closed edouard-lopez closed 7 years ago

edouard-lopez commented 7 years ago

I add to copy the .colorscheme to ~/.kde/share/app/konsole/

cp base16-tomorrow* ~/.kde/share/app/konsole/
cskeeters commented 7 years ago

What Linux Distribution are you running? What version?

cskeeters commented 7 years ago

Oh, I see you put it in the title...

cskeeters commented 7 years ago

Did ~/.kde already exist?

Where is the system wide folder on your system? /usr/share/konsole /usr/share/kde/apps/konsole /usr/share/kde4/apps/konsole

cskeeters commented 7 years ago

Read this question. http://askubuntu.com/questions/538526/is-home-local-share-the-default-value-for-xdg-data-home-in-ubuntu-14-04

I'm wondering if konsole is not using the default value when XDG_DATA_HOME is not set. I also wonder if you set XDG_DATA_HOME according to Tom Hale's answer if the version of konsole you have will read the colorscheme file out of ~/.local/share/konsole

cskeeters commented 7 years ago

This is worth reading too. http://askubuntu.com/questions/812629/kde-export-settings-between-different-machines

edouard-lopez commented 7 years ago


$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description:    Linux Mint 18 Sarah
Release:        18
Codename:       sarah

User config

I add a symlink to ~/.kde4 cause I'm, mostly, still in version 4

$ apt show kde-baseapps 
Package: kde-baseapps
Version: 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.04~ppa63

System wide directory

edouard-lopez commented 7 years ago

Indeed $XDG_DATA_HOME is not set.

edouard-lopez commented 7 years ago

I fixed it by creating the KDE5 directory and copying the .coloscheme files inside

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/konsole
cd base16-konsole/colorscheme/
cp base16-tomorrow* ~/.local/share/konsole/