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Schedule purge error #19

Closed spagnumkaren closed 1 year ago

spagnumkaren commented 1 year ago

I think there is something wrong with the schedule purge function. It looks like it is not updating the token. The picture shows the purge is fine on the first day but every day after that shows the same error: Cisco DNA Center isn't available - 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url: 7fc76440-82e1-47eb-8033-f0f5cc5d6b31

If I run the manual purge it works fine so It is only the schedule purge that gets this error. a06e18c9-220e-4f8f-839b-84fe657118d5

robertcsapo commented 1 year ago

It might be that the DNAC token isn't updated. I've added the logs in the latest release, so that should help to pin point this issue

robertcsapo commented 1 year ago

Related to #26