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Generative Cellular Automata
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Dual-Directional Model #1

Closed csmangum closed 3 months ago

csmangum commented 4 months ago

Can a model be trained to learn a system forward and backward? Essentially capable of going forward and backward in "time" at will?

csmangum commented 4 months ago

You can design a model that learns to predict in both directions, using separate pathways or mechanisms for forward and backward predictions. This could mean having one part of the network dedicated to forward prediction and another to backward prediction, each trained on their respective tasks. The rule encoding could be used as part of the input in both cases, or the model could be designed to infer it in the backward direction.

A dual-directional model is designed to handle tasks that require understanding or predicting information in two opposite directions, such as sequences where both past and future contexts are important, or problems where both forward and backward inference are needed. In the context of predicting the state of an object based on a rule and also inferring previous states and rules from a given state, a dual-directional model can be specifically tailored to learn these forward and backward dynamics concurrently.

Structure of a Dual-Directional Model

The structure of a dual-directional model typically involves separate components or pathways for processing information in each direction:

Training Dual-Directional Models

Training such a model involves presenting it with data that enables learning both forward and backward relationships. This typically requires:

Applications and Advantages

Dual-directional models are particularly useful in scenarios where understanding the bidirectional context or dynamics is crucial. For example:


Implementation Considerations

In summary, a dual-directional model offers a powerful approach for simultaneously addressing forward and backward prediction tasks, leveraging the strengths of neural networks to capture complex relationships within data. Its implementation, while potentially resource-intensive, opens up new possibilities for predictive modeling and inference in a wide range of applications.

csmangum commented 4 months ago

Implementing a dual-directional model for elementary cellular automata (CA) in PyTorch involves creating a neural network that can both predict the next state of a cell based on its current state and two neighbors (forward direction) and infer the previous state of a cell from a sequence of states, as well as identify the CA rule used (backward direction). Here's a high-level approach to designing and implementing such a model:

Model Architecture

  1. Forward Pathway:

    • Input: The current state of the cell and its two immediate neighbors. This can be represented as a 3-bit vector.
    • Network: A small feedforward neural network (or potentially a more complex architecture if you're dealing with a broader context or additional features) that takes this 3-bit input and predicts the next state of the cell (1 or 0).
  2. Backward Pathway:

    • Input: A sequence of states for a cell. The length of this sequence depends on your specific requirements and the complexity of inferring the previous state and the CA rule.
    • Encoder: A component (e.g., LSTM, GRU, or Transformer encoder) that processes the sequence of states and encodes it into a fixed-size vector representation.
    • Decoder: Two separate decoders or heads that take the encoded vector and output (a) the inferred previous state of the cell, and (b) the vector representation of the CA rule. The rule's representation could be a fixed-size vector that you map to specific CA rules, either through a classification layer or some form of regression, depending on how you encode the rules.

Training Strategy

Implementation in PyTorch

Here's a simplified example of how you might start implementing such a model in PyTorch:

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim

class DualDirectionalCANetwork(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_rules):
        super(DualDirectionalCANetwork, self).__init__()
        # Forward pathway
        self.forward_net = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(3, 10),  # Example sizes
            nn.Linear(10, 1),
        # Backward pathway
        self.encoder = nn.LSTM(input_size=1, hidden_size=20, batch_first=True)
        self.decoder_state = nn.Linear(20, 1)
        self.decoder_rule = nn.Linear(20, num_rules)

    def forward(self, x, sequence=None):
        if sequence is None:
            # Forward prediction
            return self.forward_net(x)
            # Backward inference
            _, (hidden, _) = self.encoder(sequence)
            prev_state = self.decoder_state(hidden.squeeze(0))
            rule = self.decoder_rule(hidden.squeeze(0))
            return prev_state, rule

# Example usage
num_rules = 256  # For elementary CA, there are 256 possible rules
model = DualDirectionalCANetwork(num_rules=num_rules)

# Example forward input
forward_input = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1]], dtype=torch.float)
forward_output = model(forward_input)

# Example backward input (sequence of states)
sequence_input = torch.rand((1, 10, 1))  # Example: batch_size=1, sequence_length=10
prev_state, rule = model(None, sequence_input)

# Define loss functions and optimizer
# You would need to customize these based on your specific requirements and data

This code outlines the basic structure of the model and how you might implement the forward and backward pathways. You'll need to refine the architecture, loss functions, and training procedure based on your specific requirements, the complexity of the CA rules you're working with, and the characteristics of your data.

csmangum commented 4 months ago


The diagram above illustrates the structure of a Dual-Directional (DD) Model. It showcases two primary pathways:

Each pathway is designed to handle different aspects of the problem, with the forward pathway focusing on prediction based on the current state and the backward pathway dedicated to inferring past states and the rules that led to the current situation. This dual approach allows for a comprehensive understanding and manipulation of the system's dynamics.

csmangum commented 4 months ago

Right now not going to try and have some type of weight sharing. Will start with separated pathways and see how that performs.