csmart / ansible-role-virt-infra

Define and manage guests and networks on a KVM host with Ansible
GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 48 forks source link

fixed lookup #36

Closed sluetze closed 3 years ago

sluetze commented 3 years ago

fixes #35 this MAY break other cases. I'm not sure, but it should be sufficient.

Please especially take a look at the removal of cloud-init. This is the last task, nothing else (but a info) happens afterwards. This might be bad for playbooks which come after.

When using a remote host the task fails anyway, since you can't connect to a NAT network from outside the KVM Host. the task can also just be set onto ingore_failure.

csmart commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this! I will test it out and provide some feedback soon.

csmart commented 3 years ago

Thanks again, I have started testing this but I think it's uncovered a few more issues. For example, virt_infra_user defaults to the env user, not ansible_user which means you can't log onto the machine if they are different. I've fixed that up on my local copy and pushed it here, if you want to take a look and test it? If you're happy, then I'll test some more and then squash that commit down with yours and re-write the commit message.

sluetze commented 3 years ago

sorry for delay, quite busy atm. will test tomorrow and provide feedback. From the code it looks good to me.

Another thing (maybe separate issue) There is a lot going on with kvmhost[0] which seems to always be the controller node/ the node where all the SSH magic is done. Also I was planning to rollout several KVMHosts + vms on them and not sure how to place the vms on different hosts :-). will also look at this (mayb sa/su)

sluetze commented 3 years ago

will test next week sry.

sluetze commented 3 years ago

ok. i tested. looks good to me.

Edit: The cloud init still only works, if the remote host (delegate_to) has the private_key for the SSH connection. otherwise it fails with permission denied. This seems to be because the id_rsa_virt-infra-ansible key is not added to the .ssh\authorized_keys, ifvirt_infra_ssh_keys` is defined.

ansible@10.x.x.x: Permission denied (publickey,password)

csmart commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I'll try and take a look over the weekend.

The cloud init still

OK I'll double check that, I thought I'd fixed it, thanks.

csmart commented 3 years ago

@sluetze ok I need to test some more cause the cloud init remote connection to the host works for me using a fresh user and the key being generated...

# check no local keys
[15:40 testing ~/code/virt-infra-ansible (master *)]$ ls -l ~/.ssh/
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 testing testing 179 Feb  7 15:38 known_hosts

# no keys on remote host as our user
[15:39 testing ~/code/virt-infra-ansible (master *)]$ ssh dev ls -l .ssh/
testing@dev password: 
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 testing testing 171 Feb  7 15:39 known_hosts

# run the ansible
[15:40 testing ~/code/virt-infra-ansible (master *)]$ ./run.sh -l kvmhost,simple -k
SSH password: 
BECOME password[defaults to SSH password]: 


TASK [ansible-role-virt-infra : Add guest fingerprint to SSH known_hosts] *****************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [dev] => (item=dev) 
changed: [dev -> dev] => (item=test-simple-centos-7-0)
changed: [dev -> dev] => (item=test-simple-centos-7-1)
changed: [dev -> dev] => (item=test-simple-centos-7-2)

TASK [ansible-role-virt-infra : Wait for cloud-init to finish] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [dev]
changed: [test-simple-centos-7-2 -> dev]
changed: [test-simple-centos-7-1 -> dev]
changed: [test-simple-centos-7-0 -> dev]

TASK [ansible-role-virt-infra : Advise if SSH key was created] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [test-simple-centos-7-0] => (item=SSH key created at /home/testing/.ssh/id_rsa-virt-infra-ansible) 
skipping: [test-simple-centos-7-0]
skipping: [test-simple-centos-7-1] => (item=SSH key created at /home/testing/.ssh/id_rsa-virt-infra-ansible) 
skipping: [test-simple-centos-7-1]
skipping: [test-simple-centos-7-2] => (item=SSH key created at /home/testing/.ssh/id_rsa-virt-infra-ansible) 
ok: [dev] => (item=SSH key created at /home/testing/.ssh/id_rsa-virt-infra-ansible) => {
    "msg": "item"
skipping: [test-simple-centos-7-2]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
dev                        : ok=67   changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=78   rescued=0    ignored=0   
test-simple-centos-7-0     : ok=39   changed=11   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=87   rescued=0    ignored=0   
test-simple-centos-7-1     : ok=39   changed=11   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=87   rescued=0    ignored=0   
test-simple-centos-7-2     : ok=39   changed=11   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=87   rescued=0    ignored=0   

# check no local keys
[15:41 testing ~/code/virt-infra-ansible (master *)]$ ls -l ~/.ssh/
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 testing testing 179 Feb  7 15:38 known_hosts

# check keys created on remote
[15:42 testing ~/code/virt-infra-ansible (master *)]$ ssh dev ls -l .ssh/
testing@dev's password: 
total 20
-rw-------. 1 testing testing  853 Feb  7 15:41 config
-rw-------. 1 testing testing 1799 Feb  7 15:40 id_rsa-virt-infra-ansible
-rw-r--r--. 1 testing testing  382 Feb  7 15:40 id_rsa-virt-infra-ansible.pub
-rw-------. 1 testing testing 4671 Feb  7 15:41 known_hosts
csmart commented 3 years ago

@sluetze ok I've tested this with kvm host localhost and also a remote machine, dev:

It seems to all work...

csmart commented 3 years ago

@sluetze I've added my changes into your commit and merged with https://github.com/csmart/ansible-role-virt-infra/commit/70e138f76fd57eb1c7982dc6994545401d660363

Thanks for your contribution!