csmberkeley / csm-61a

CSM 61A Worksheets in Latex
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mentor08 draft #163

Closed canoepus closed 1 year ago

canoepus commented 1 year ago

makefile pain. mentor08_meta.pdf mentor08_sol.pdf mentor08.pdf

riya-si commented 1 year ago

maybe having a iterator/generator problem which is solely about iterators to gently introduce the students to programming with iterators would be helpful. I really like the table on page 5 and think it'll be helpful for the students to see all the different functions related to lists

canoepus commented 1 year ago

implemented changes!!! :heart_hands: sadly we're running a bit short on time so we can't make a pure iterator problem (the existing ones are OOP), but maybe that's soemthing we'll bring up to review session resources taskforce to include!!! or we can include building an iterator class in next WS ;D ty all for reviewing!!!