csmiller / EMIRGE

EMIRGE reconstructs full length ribosomal genes from short read sequencing data.
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Error IndexError: index 1399 out of bounds 0<=index<0 #13

Closed kgwin1 closed 11 years ago

kgwin1 commented 11 years ago

I have come across an error while attempting to run EMIRGE (listed below) does anyone know the possible cause? Thanks!

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/work/kgwin1/packages/python/bin/emirge.py", line 1616, in main() File "/work/kgwin1/packages/python/bin/emirge.py", line 1609, in main do_iterations(em, max_iter = options.iterations, save_every = options.save_every) File "/work/kgwin1/packages/python/bin/emirge.py", line 1348, in do_iterations em.do_iteration(em.current_bam_filename, em.current_reference_fasta_filename) File "/work/kgwin1/packages/python/bin/emirge.py", line 432, in do_iteration self.calc_likelihoods()
File "/work/kgwin1/packages/python/bin/emirge.py", line 978, in calc_likelihoods self.calc_probN() # (handles initial iteration differently within this method) File "/work/kgwin1/packages/python/bin/emirge.py", line 1139, in calc_probN bases = numpy.array(self.fastafile.fetch(fastaname), dtype='c')[zero_indices[0]] IndexError: index 1399 out of bounds 0<=index<0

kgwin1 commented 11 years ago

Just to follow up, here is the script I am using. It's modified because I am using 64-bit USEARCH v.5.2.32, I also changed the uclust id to 95

!/usr/bin/env python

""" EMIRGE: Expectation-Maximization Iterative Reconstruction of Genes from the Environment Copyright (C) 2010 Christopher S. Miller (csmiller@berkeley.edu)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>


for help, type: python emirge.py --help """

import sys import os import re import csv from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup

from MyFasta import FastIterator, Record # moved this code into this file.

import pysam import numpy from scipy import sparse from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_call import shlex from time import ctime, time from datetime import timedelta import gzip import cPickle import _emirge

BOWTIE_l = 20 BOWTIE_e = 300

BOWTIE_ASCII_OFFSET = 33 # currently, bowtie writes quals with an ascii offset of 33

class Record: """ stripped down FASTA record class with same members as Biopython FASTA Record Class title -- with > removed sequence -- as string """ _colwidth = 60 # colwidth specifies the number of residues to put on each line when generating FASTA format. def init(self, title = "", sequence = ""): """ Create a new Record.

    self.title = title
    self.sequence = sequence
def __str__(self):
    return ">%s\n%s\n"%(self.title, "\n".join(re.findall(".{1,%s}"%self._colwidth, self.sequence)))

def FastIterator(filehandle, dummyParser = None, record = None): """ a generator to return records one at a time. Maybe 160% faster on test case. MAY RAISE MemoryError ON LARGE FASTA FILES IN: file object dummyParser is a placeholder for RecordParser from Biopython. Not used. a record to use for yielding. Otherwise create an empty one with standard init

NOTE: this fasta iterator is fast, but it breaks if there are ">" characters in the title.
if record is None:
    record = Record()

for recordstring in re.split('\n>', filehandle.read()[1:]):
    record.title, record.sequence= recordstring.split('\n',1)
    record.sequence = record.sequence.replace('\n','').replace(' ','')
    yield record

class EM(object): """ driver class for EM algorithm """ _VERBOSE = True base2i = {"A":0,"T":1,"C":2,"G":3} i2base = dict([(v,k) for k,v in base2i.iteritems()])

asciibase2i = {65:0,84:1,67:2,71:3}

clustermark_pat = re.compile(r'(\d+\|.?\|)?(.*)')  # cludgey code associated with this should go into a method: get_seq_i()

def __init__(self, reads1_filepath, reads2_filepath,
             n_cpus = 1,
             cwd = os.getcwd(), max_read_length = 76,
             iterdir_prefix = "iter.", cluster_thresh = 0.97,
             mapping_nice = None,
             reads_ascii_offset = 64,
             expected_coverage_thresh = 20):

    n_cpus is how many processors to use for multithreaded steps (currently only the bowtie mapping)
    mapping_nice is nice value to add to mapping program 
    assert not reads1_filepath.endswith('.gz')
    # assert reads2_filepath.endswith('.gz')
    self.reads1_filepath = reads1_filepath
    self.reads2_filepath = reads2_filepath
    self.insert_mean = insert_mean
    self.insert_sd = insert_sd
    self.n_cpus = n_cpus
    self.mapping_nice   = mapping_nice
    self.reads_ascii_offset = reads_ascii_offset

    self.iteration_i = None    # keeps track of which iteration we are on.
    self.cwd = cwd
    self.max_read_length = max_read_length
    self.iterdir_prefix = iterdir_prefix
    self.cluster_thresh = cluster_thresh   # if two sequences evolve to be >= cluster_thresh identical (via usearch), then merge them. [0, 1.0]
    assert self.cluster_thresh >= 0 and self.cluster_thresh <= 1.0
    self.expected_coverage_thresh = expected_coverage_thresh

    # Single numpy arrays.  Has the shape: (numsequences x numreads)
    self.likelihoods = None      # = Pr(R_i|S_i), the likelihood of generating read R_i given sequence S_i
    # list of numpy arrays.  list index is iteration number.  Each numpy array has the shape: (numsequences,)
    self.priors      = []      # = Pr(S_i), the prior probability that sequence S generated any read
    # list of numpy arrays.  list index is iteration number.  Each numpy array has the shape: (numsequences x numreads)
    self.posteriors      = []  # = Pr(S_i|R_i), the posterior probability that sequence S_i generated read R_i
    # list of dictionaries.  list index is iteration number.  each dict is a mapping from sequence header name and internal id, or vice-versa
    # index is stable between iterations.  If sequence_i2sequence value is None, means this sequence was abandoned in previous round
    self.sequence_name2sequence_i = []
    self.sequence_i2sequence_name = []
    # list of strings.  list index is iteration number.

    # list of dictionaries.  list index is iteration number.  similar to above except for reads
    self.read_name2read_i = []
    self.read_i2read_name = []

    # this one for mapping between names with and without cluster numbers.
    self.sequence_name2fasta_name = {}

    self.quals = []
    self.reads = []
    self.readlengths = []

    # other constants, potentially changeable, tunable later, or could incorporate into probabilistic model.
    self.min_depth = 5.0    # minimum depth to keep sequence around for next round
    self.min_prior = None   # minimum prior probability for a sequence to keep it around for next round (alternative to depth, which is
                            # a little weird when you allow mappings to more than one place.
    self.min_length_coverage = None
    self.snp_minor_prob_thresh = 0.10      # if prob(N) for minor allele base N is >= this threshold, call site a minor allele
    self.snp_percentage_thresh = 0.10      # if >= this percentage of bases are minor alleles (according to self.snp_minor_prob_thresh),
                                           # then split this sequence into two sequences.


def read_bam(self, bam_filename, reference_fasta_filename):
    reads a bam file and...
    populates a new entry for (appends to list, removes t-2)

    creates a new EMPTY entry for (appends to list, removes t-2

    creates new each iteration (overwrites):

    paired reads are treated as separate, individual reads.

    This MUST maintain seq_i to name and read_i to name mappings between iterations, so that a single
    name always maintains the same index from one iteration to the next.  One result of this requirement
    is that the various matrices can always get larger in a later t, but never smaller (as reads or seqs are added)
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Reading bam file %s at %s...\n"%(bam_filename, ctime()))
        start_time = time()

    initial_iteration = self.iteration_i < 0  # this is initial iteration            
    self.current_bam_filename = bam_filename
    self.current_reference_fasta_filename = reference_fasta_filename
    self.fastafile = pysam.Fastafile(self.current_reference_fasta_filename)

    for d in [self.sequence_name2sequence_i, self.sequence_i2sequence_name,
              self.read_name2read_i, self.read_i2read_name]:

        if initial_iteration:
            d.append(d[-1].copy())  # get same name mappings from previous round, add to them if new reads or seqs
            if len(d) > 2:
                trash = d.pop(0)  # no longer care about t-2
                del trash
    # start new seq_i's or read_i's at next integer if there is a dictionary from the previous iteration.
    if initial_iteration:
        seq_i = 0
        read_i = 0
        seq_i = max(self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-2].keys()) + 1
        read_i = max(self.read_i2read_name[-2].keys()) + 1

    # reset this every iteration
    self.coverage = [0]*seq_i

    # FIRST PASS through file just to get values out of file in memory.
    # no actual processing of data here.
    # Goal is to use multiprocess.Pool, but farming out parsing of samfile
    # bogs down with concurrent disk access from worker threads.

    # speed hacks
    bamfile = pysam.Samfile(bam_filename, "rb")
    getrname = bamfile.getrname
    quals = self.quals
    readlengths = self.readlengths
    reads = self.reads
    coverage = self.coverage
    ascii_offset = BOWTIE_ASCII_OFFSET
    fromstring = numpy.fromstring
    array = numpy.array
    uint8 = numpy.uint8
    base_alpha2int = _emirge.base_alpha2int

    # this is lame.  can do all of this in Cython. 0. no predata step  1. use stdout of bowtie to know length of samfile ahead of time (for bamfile_data).  2. Change ALL data structures to numpy arrays (reads, quals, readlengths), using arrays only for new entries before resizing old arrays.  Or just grow reads, quals, readlengths 1e6 at a time or something 3. Figure out if any Cython tricks with dictionaries.  
    # >>> a = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])
    # >>> a.resize(4)
    # >>> a
    # array([ 1.,  2.,  3.,  0.])

    # this pass just to read from file, get disk access over with.  As little processing as possible.
    predata = [(alignedread.pos, alignedread.tid, alignedread.is_read2, alignedread.qname,
                alignedread.qual, alignedread.seq) for alignedread in bamfile]

    # cache bamfile information in this data structure, bamfile_data:
    # [seq_i, read_i, pair_i, rlen, pos], dtype=int))
    self.bamfile_data = numpy.empty((len(predata), 5), dtype=int)
    bamfile_data = self.bamfile_data # speed hack to avoid dot lookups

    # set here:
    #       self.sequence_name2sequence_i
    #       self.sequence_i2sequence_name
    #       self.read_i2read_name
    #       self.read_name2read_i
    #       bamfile_data
    #       self.reads
    #       self.readlengths
    #       self.quals

    seq_i, read_i = _emirge.process_bamfile_predata(seq_i, read_i,
                                                    predata, bamfile.references,
                                                    self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1], self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1],
                                                    self.read_name2read_i[-1], self.read_i2read_name[-1],
                                                    self.reads, self.quals, self.readlengths,
                                                    self.coverage, BOWTIE_ASCII_OFFSET,

    #       samfile.getrname can be replaced with index to samfile.references (tuple) ?
    # could push this to multiprocessing.Pool or cython at this point, since disk access to bam file is already done.
    # for alignedread_i, (pos, tid, is_read2, qname, qual, seq) in enumerate(predata):
    #     refname = getrname(tid)
    #     seq_i_to_cache = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1].get(refname, seq_i)
    #     if refname not in self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1]:  # new sequence we haven't seen before
    #         self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1][refname] = seq_i
    #         self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1][seq_i] = refname
    #         coverage.append(0)
    #         seq_i += 1
    #     pair_i = int(is_read2)
    #     readname = "%s/%d"%(qname, pair_i+1)
    #     read_i_to_cache = self.read_name2read_i[-1].get(readname, read_i)
    #     if readname not in self.read_name2read_i[-1]: # new read we haven't seen before
    #         self.read_name2read_i[-1][readname] = read_i
    #         self.read_i2read_name[-1][read_i] = readname
    #         read_i += 1
    #         # add to self.reads and self.quals and self.readlengths
    #         readlengths.append(len(seq))
    #         reads.append(array([base_alpha2int(x) for x in fromstring(seq, dtype=uint8)], dtype=uint8))
    #         quals.append(fromstring(qual, dtype=uint8) - ascii_offset)

    #     coverage[seq_i_to_cache] += len(seq)
    #     bamfile_data[alignedread_i] = [seq_i_to_cache, read_i_to_cache, pair_i, len(seq), pos]


    # self.readlengths = numpy.array(readlengths, dtype=numpy.uint16)

    self.priors.append(numpy.zeros(seq_i, dtype = numpy.float))
    self.likelihoods = sparse.coo_matrix((seq_i, read_i), dtype = numpy.float)  # init all to zero.
    self.posteriors.append(sparse.lil_matrix((seq_i+1, read_i+1), dtype=numpy.float))

    self.probN = [None for x in range(max(self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1].values())+1)]
    self.unmapped_bases = [None for x in self.probN]
    self.mean_read_length = numpy.mean(self.readlengths)

    self.sequence_name2fasta_name = {}
    for record in FastIterator(file(self.current_reference_fasta_filename)):
        refname = record.title.split()[0]
        self.sequence_name2fasta_name[refname] = record.title.split()[0]
        seq_i = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1].get(refname)
        if seq_i is not None:
            self.probN[seq_i] = numpy.zeros((len(record.sequence), 5), dtype=numpy.float)   #ATCG[other] --> 01234
            self.coverage[seq_i] = self.coverage[seq_i] / float(len(record.sequence))

    for d in [self.priors, self.posteriors,
              self.sequence_name2sequence_i, self.sequence_i2sequence_name,
              self.read_name2read_i, self.read_i2read_name]:
        if len(d) > 2:
            trash = d.pop(0)  # no longer care about t-2
            del trash

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("DONE Reading bam file %s at %s [%s]...\n"%(bam_filename, ctime(), timedelta(seconds = time()-start_time)))

def initialize_EM(self, bam_filename, reference_fasta_filename):
    Set up EM with two things so that first iteration can proceed:
       - Initial guesses of Pr(S) are made purely based on read counts, where each read is only allowed to
         map only once to a single best reference  (**if more than one alignment reported per read, raise exception!**).
       - Initial guess of Pr(N=n) (necessary for likelihood in Pr(S|R) is also calculated simply, with the assumption
         of 1 read (the best again) mapped to exactly 1 sequence.  Thus Pr(N=n) only takes the base call errors
         into account.  This is actually not done here, but rather the first time self.calc_probN is called.

       - bamfile for iteration 0 is assumed to have just one ("best") mapping per read.
       - there is no t-1 for t = 0, hence the need to set up Pr(S)
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Beginning initialization at %s...\n"%(ctime()))

    self.iteration_i = -1
    self.read_bam(bam_filename, reference_fasta_filename)
    # initialize priors.  Here just adding a count for each read mapped to each reference sequence
    # also initialize Pr(N=n), which is the only other thing besides Pr(S) in the M step that depends on iteration t-1.
    # PRIOR
    for (seq_i, read_i, pair_i, rlen, pos) in self.bamfile_data:
        self.priors[-1][seq_i] += 1

    nonzero_indices = numpy.nonzero(self.priors[-1])  # only divide cells with at least one count.  Set all others to Pr(S) = 0
    self.priors[-1] = self.priors[-1][nonzero_indices] / self.priors[-1][nonzero_indices].sum()  # turn these into probabilities
    self.priors.append(self.priors[-1].copy())  # push this back to t-1 (index == -2)
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("DONE with initialization at %s...\n"%(ctime()))

def save_state(self, filename = None):
    save state
    tup_to_save = (self.bamfile_data, self.base2i, self.cluster_thresh, self.coverage, self.current_bam_filename, self.current_reference_fasta_filename, self.cwd, self.i2base, self.insert_mean, self.insert_sd, self.iteration_i, self.iterdir, self.iterdir_prefix, self.k, self.likelihoods, self.mapping_nice, self.max_read_length, self.min_depth, self.min_length_coverage, self.min_prior, self.n_cpus, self.posteriors, self.priors, self.probN, self.quals, self.read_i2read_name, self.read_name2read_i, self.reads1_filepath, self.reads2_filepath, self.sequence_i2sequence_name, self.sequence_name2fasta_name, self.sequence_name2sequence_i, self.snp_minor_prob_thresh, self.snp_percentage_thresh, self.unmapped_bases, self.v)
    if filename is None:
        filename = os.path.join(self.iterdir, 'em.%02i.data.pkl'%self.iteration_i)
        cPickle.dump(tup_to_save, file(filename, 'w'), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    except SystemError:  # cPickle problem with numpy arrays in latest emacs???
        sys.stderr.write("oops!  cPickle error!  Falling back to pickle.\n")
        import pickle
        pickle.dump(tup_to_save, file(filename, 'w'), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    return filename

def load_state(self, filename = None):
    load pickled data structures stored with self.save_state
    if filename is None:
        filename = os.path.join(self.iterdir, 'em.%02i.data.pkl'%self.iteration_i)

    if filename.endswith('bz2'):
        infile = Popen("bzcat %s"%filename, shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout
        infile = file(filename)

    for name in ("bamfile_data", "base2i", "cluster_thresh", "coverage", "current_bam_filename", "current_reference_fasta_filename", "cwd", "i2base", "insert_mean", "insert_sd", "iteration_i", "iterdir", "iterdir_prefix", "k", "likelihoods", "mapping_nice", "max_read_length", "min_depth", "min_length_coverage", "min_prior", "n_cpus", "posteriors", "priors", "probN", "quals", "read_i2read_name", "read_name2read_i", "reads1_filepath", "reads2_filepath", "sequence_i2sequence_name", "sequence_name2fasta_name", "sequence_name2sequence_i", "snp_minor_prob_thresh", "snp_percentage_thresh", "unmapped_bases", "v"):
        if not hasattr(self, name):
            setattr(self, name, None)
        (self.bamfile_data, self.base2i, self.cluster_thresh, self.coverage, self.current_bam_filename, self.current_reference_fasta_filename, self.cwd, self.i2base, self.insert_mean, self.insert_sd, self.iteration_i, self.iterdir, self.iterdir_prefix, self.k, self.likelihoods, self.mapping_nice, self.max_read_length, self.min_depth, self.min_length_coverage, self.min_prior, self.n_cpus, self.posteriors, self.priors, self.probN, self.quals, self.read_i2read_name, self.read_name2read_i, self.reads1_filepath, self.reads2_filepath, self.sequence_i2sequence_name, self.sequence_name2fasta_name, self.sequence_name2sequence_i, self.snp_minor_prob_thresh, self.snp_percentage_thresh, self.unmapped_bases, self.v) = \
    except ValueError:  # old version didn't have bamfile_data
        (self.base2i, self.cluster_thresh, self.coverage, self.current_bam_filename, self.current_reference_fasta_filename, self.cwd, self.i2base, self.insert_mean, self.insert_sd, self.iteration_i, self.iterdir_prefix, self.k, self.likelihoods, self.mapping_nice, self.max_read_length, self.min_depth, self.min_length_coverage, self.min_prior, self.n_cpus, self.posteriors, self.priors, self.probN, self.quals, self.read_i2read_name, self.read_name2read_i, self.reads1_filepath, self.reads2_filepath, self.sequence_i2sequence_name, self.sequence_name2fasta_name, self.sequence_name2sequence_i, self.snp_minor_prob_thresh, self.snp_percentage_thresh, self.unmapped_bases, self.v) = \
    self.fastafile = pysam.Fastafile(self.current_reference_fasta_filename)

    # change self.posteriors to sparse matrix if we are loading old data type
    if type(self.posteriors[-1]) != type(sparse.lil_matrix([1])):
        if self._VERBOSE:
            sys.stderr.write("\tConverting old posteriors to sparse matrix format [%d items to ... "%(self.posteriors[-1].shape[0] * self.posteriors[-1].shape[1]))
        for i, p in enumerate(self.posteriors):
            self.posteriors[i] = sparse.lil_matrix(p)
        if self._VERBOSE:
            sys.stderr.write("%d items] Done.\n"%(self.posteriors[-1].nnz))


def do_iteration(self, bam_filename, reference_fasta_filename):
    This starts with the M-step, so it requires that Pr(S) and Pr(N=n) from previous round are set.
    Pr(S) is used from the previous round's E-step.
    Pr(N=n) partially depends on the previous round's M-step.  Is this okay?
    Once M-step is done, then E-step calculates Pr(S) based upon the just-calculated M-step.

    self.iteration_i += 1
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Starting iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        start_time = time()

    self.iterdir = os.path.join(self.cwd, "%s%02d"%(self.iterdir_prefix, self.iteration_i))
    check_call("mkdir -p %s"%(self.iterdir), shell=True)
    self.read_bam(bam_filename, reference_fasta_filename)  # initializes all data structures.

    # m-step

    # now e-step

    # now write a new fasta file.  Cull sequences below self.min_depth
    consensus_filename = os.path.join(self.iterdir, "iter.%02d.cons.fasta"%(self.iteration_i))
    self.write_consensus(consensus_filename)    # culls and splits
    self.cluster_sequences(consensus_filename)  # merges sequences that have evolved to be the same (USEARCH)

    # leave a few things around for later.  Note that print_priors also leaves sequence_name2sequence_i mapping, basically.
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Writing priors and probN to disk for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
    # python gzip.GzipFile is slow.  Use system call instead
    # cPickle.dump(self.probN, gzip.GzipFile(os.path.join(self.iterdir, 'probN.pkl.gz'), 'w'), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    pickled_filename = os.path.join(self.iterdir, 'probN.pkl')
    cPickle.dump(self.probN, file(pickled_filename, 'w'), cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    check_call("gzip -f %s"%(pickled_filename), shell=True, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stderr)
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("DONE Writing priors and probN to disk for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))

    # now do a new mapping run for next iteration
    self.do_mapping(consensus_filename, nice = self.mapping_nice)

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Finished iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        sys.stderr.write("Total time for iteration %d: %s\n"%(self.iteration_i, timedelta(seconds = time()-start_time)))

def print_priors(self, ofname = None):
    leave a file in directory with nonzero priors printed out.
    if ofname is not None:
        of = file(ofname, 'w')
    of = file(os.path.join(self.iterdir, "priors.iter.%02d.txt"%(self.iteration_i)), 'w')
    for seq_i, prior in enumerate(self.priors[-1]):
        seqname = self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1][seq_i]
        of.write("%d\t%s\t%f\n"%(seq_i, seqname, prior))


def calc_priors(self):
    calculates priors [ Pr(S) ] based on
        Pr(S|R) (current posteriors from previous M step, this iteration)
    # here we do have column summing with the posteriors; will have to sort this out with sparse.
    # should be csc
    self.posteriors[-1] = self.posteriors[-1].tocsc()
    self.priors[-1] = numpy.asarray(self.posteriors[-1].sum(axis = 1)).flatten() / self.posteriors[-1].sum()


def write_consensus(self, outputfilename):
    writes a consensus, taking the most probable base at each position, according to current
    values in Pr(N=n) (self.probN)

    only write sequences above with coverage above self.min_depth (culling)
    split sequences with many minor alleles:
         self.snp_minor_prob_thresh     # if prob(N) for minor allele base N is >= this threshold, call site a minor allele
         self.snp_percentage_thresh     # if >= this percentage of bases are minor alleles (according to self.snp_minor_prob_thresh),
                                        # then split this sequence into two sequences.
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Writing consensus for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        sys.stderr.write("\tsnp_minor_prob_thresh = %.3f\n"%(self.snp_minor_prob_thresh))
        sys.stderr.write("\tsnp_percentage_thresh = %.3f\n"%(self.snp_percentage_thresh))
        t0 = time()

    splitcount = 0
    cullcount  = 0
    of = file(outputfilename, 'w')

    times_split   = []              # DEBUG
    times_posteriors   = []              # DEBUG        
    seqs_to_process = len(self.probN) # DEBUG

    i2base = self.i2base
    updated_seq_i = max(self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1].keys()) + 1
    rows_to_add = []                # these are for updating posteriors at end with new minor strains
    cols_to_add = []
    data_to_add = []
    probNtoadd  = []  # for newly split out sequences

    self.posteriors[-1] = self.posteriors[-1].tolil()  # just to make sure this is in row-access-friendly format

    loop_t0 = time()
    for seq_i, probNarray in enumerate(self.probN):
        seq_i_t0 = time()
        if probNarray is None: # means this sequence is no longer present in this iteration
        # check if coverage passes self.min_depth, if not don't write it (culling happens here)
        if self.min_depth is not None and self.coverage[seq_i] < self.min_depth:  # could also do this only after self.iteration_i > 5 or something
            # could adjust priors and posteriors here, but because prior will already be low (b/c of low coverage)
            # and because next round will have 0 mappings (no sequence in reference file to map to), this seems
            # unneccesary.
            cullcount += 1
            continue # continue == don't write it to consensus.
        # check if prior is above threshold... otherwise cull it:
        if self.min_prior is not None and self.priors[-1][seq_i] < self.min_prior:
            cullcount += 1
        if self.min_length_coverage is not None:
            num_mapped_indices = numpy.argwhere(probNarray > 1-default_error).shape[0]
            if float(num_mapped_indices) / float(probNarray.shape[0]) <= self.min_length_coverage:
                cullcount += 1

        # passes coverage thresholds
        title = self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1][seq_i]
        consensus = numpy.array([i2base.get(x, "N") for x in numpy.argsort(probNarray)[:,-1]])

        # check for minor allele consensus, SPLIT sequence into two candidate sequences if passes thresholds.

        minor_indices = numpy.argwhere((probNarray >= self.snp_minor_prob_thresh).sum(axis=1) >= 2)[:,0]
        if minor_indices.shape[0] > 0:
            minor_fraction_avg = numpy.mean(probNarray[(minor_indices, numpy.argsort(probNarray[minor_indices])[:, -2])])
            minor_fraction_avg = 0.0
        # NEW rule: only split sequence if *expected* coverage
        # of newly split minor sequence (assuming uniform read
        # coverage over reconstructed sequence) is > some
        # threshold.  Here, expected coverage is calculated
        # based on:
        # Prior(seq_i) * number of reads * avg read length
        expected_coverage_minor = ( self.priors[-1][seq_i] * minor_fraction_avg * len(self.reads) * self.mean_read_length ) / probNarray.shape[0]
        expected_coverage_major = ( self.priors[-1][seq_i] * (1-minor_fraction_avg) * len(self.reads) * self.mean_read_length ) / probNarray.shape[0]
        # print >> sys.stderr, "DEBUG: ", seq_i, expected_coverage_minor, expected_coverage_major, minor_indices.shape, self.priors[-1][seq_i] , minor_fraction_avg , len(self.reads) , self.mean_read_length , probNarray.shape[0]

        if minor_indices.shape[0] / float(probNarray.shape[0]) >= self.snp_percentage_thresh and \
               expected_coverage_minor >= self.expected_coverage_thresh:
            splitcount += 1
            if self._VERBOSE:
                t0_split = time()
            major_fraction_avg = 1.-minor_fraction_avg # if there's >=3 alleles, major allele keeps prob of other minors)
            minor_bases   = numpy.array([i2base.get(x, "N") for x in numpy.argsort(probNarray[minor_indices])[:,-2]]) # -2 gets second most probably base
            minor_consensus = consensus.copy()               # get a copy of the consensus
            minor_consensus[minor_indices] = minor_bases     # replace the bases that pass minor threshold
            # now deal with naming.
            title_root = re.search(r'(.+)(_m(\d+))$', title)
            if title_root is None: # no _m00 on this name 
                title_root = title[:]
                title_root = title_root.groups()[0]
            # now check for any known name with same root and a _m on it.
            previous_m_max = max([0] + [int(x) for x in re.findall(r'%s_m(\d+)'%re.escape(title_root), " ".join(self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1].values()))])
            m_title = "%s_m%02d"%(title_root, previous_m_max+1)

            # also split out Priors and Posteriors (which will be used in next round), split with average ratio of major to minor alleles.
            # updating priors first:
            old_prior = self.priors[-1][seq_i]
            self.priors[-1][seq_i] = old_prior * major_fraction_avg
            seq_i_minor = updated_seq_i  # grow data structs by 1
            updated_seq_i += 1
            self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1][seq_i_minor] = m_title
            self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1][m_title] = seq_i_minor
            # how I adjust probN here for newly split seq doesn't really matter,
            # as it is re-calculated next iter.
            # this only matters for probN.pkl.gz file left behind for this iteration.
            # for now just set prob(major base) = 0 and redistribute prob to other bases for minor,
            # and set prob(minor base) = 0 and redistribute prob to other bases for major
            # MINOR
            major_base_i = numpy.argsort(probNarray[minor_indices])[:, -1]
            newprobNarray = probNarray.copy()
            newprobNarray[(minor_indices, major_base_i)] = 0
            newprobNarray = newprobNarray / numpy.sum(newprobNarray, axis=1).reshape(newprobNarray.shape[0], 1)
            # MAJOR
            minor_base_i = numpy.argsort(probNarray[minor_indices])[:, -2]
            probNarray[(minor_indices, minor_base_i)] = 0
            probNarray = probNarray / numpy.sum(probNarray, axis=1).reshape(probNarray.shape[0], 1)

            new_priors = numpy.zeros(seq_i_minor+1, dtype=self.priors[-1].dtype)
            new_priors[:-1] = self.priors[-1].copy()
            new_priors[seq_i_minor] = old_prior * minor_fraction_avg
            trash = self.priors.pop()
            del trash

            # --- THIS WAS SLOW STEP ---
            # keep track of all new minor data to add and add it
            # once at end for ALL split sequences with one coo
            # matrix construction, instead of each iteration.

            t_posterior = time()

            # new_read_probs, new_rows, new_cols = adjust_posteriors_for_split(AAAA, BBBB, CCCC) # TODO: could move to Cython

            # updating posteriors. for each seq-read pair with prob > 0, split prob out to major and minor seq.
            new_cols = self.posteriors[-1].rows[seq_i] # col in coo format
            new_read_probs  = [x * minor_fraction_avg for x in self.posteriors[-1].data[seq_i]]  # data in coo format
            new_rows = [seq_i_minor for x in new_cols]  # row in coo format

            # add new read probs to cache of new read probs to add at end of loop

            # adjust old read probs to reflect major strain
            self.posteriors[-1].data[seq_i] = [x  * major_fraction_avg for x in self.posteriors[-1].data[seq_i]]

            times_posteriors.append(time() - t_posterior)
            # --- END SLOW STEP --- 

            # adjust self.unmapped_bases (used in clustering).  For now give same pattern as parent

            # write out minor strain consensus
            if self._VERBOSE:
                sys.stderr.write("splitting sequence %d (%s) to %d (%s)...\n"%(seq_i, title,
                                                                               seq_i_minor, m_title))


        # now write major strain consensus, regardless of whether there was a minor strain consensus

    # END LOOP
    loop_t_total = time() - loop_t0
    # update posteriors matrix with newly added minor sequences new_posteriors via coo, then convert to csr.
    new_posteriors = self.posteriors[-1].tocoo()  # first make a copy in coo format
    # then create new coo matrix with new shape, appending new row, col, data to old row, col, data

    new_posteriors = sparse.coo_matrix((numpy.concatenate((new_posteriors.data, data_to_add)),
                                       (numpy.concatenate((new_posteriors.row, rows_to_add)),
                                        numpy.concatenate((new_posteriors.col, cols_to_add)))),
                                       shape=(updated_seq_i, self.posteriors[-1].shape[1]),

    # finally, exchange in this new matrix
    trash = self.posteriors.pop()
    del trash

    # update probN array:

    if self._VERBOSE:
        total_time = time()-t0
        sys.stderr.write("\tSplit out %d new minor strain sequences.\n"%(splitcount))
        sys.stderr.write("\tAverage time for split sequence: [%.6f seconds]\n"%numpy.mean(times_split))
        sys.stderr.write("\tAverage time for posterior update: [%.6f seconds]\n"%numpy.mean(times_posteriors))
        sys.stderr.write("\tAverage time for non-split sequences: [%.6f seconds]\n"%((loop_t_total - sum(times_split)) / (seqs_to_process - len(times_split))))
        sys.stderr.write("\tCulled %d sequences\n"%(cullcount))
        sys.stderr.write("DONE Writing consensus for iteration %d at %s [%s]...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime(), timedelta(seconds = total_time)))


def cluster_sequences(self, fastafilename):
    uses Edgar's USEARCH to sort and then merge sequences above self.cluster_thresh %ID over the
    length of the shorter sequence

    "Search and clustering orders of magnitude faster than BLAST"
    Robert C. Edgar
    Bioinformatics 2010

    also adjusts Pr(S) [prior] and Pr(S_t-1) [posteriors] as needed after merging.  
    return self.cluster_sequences2(fastafilename)


def cluster_sequences2(self, fastafilename):
    uses USEARCH  to globally align sequences.  Merge two sequences if the
    *NON-GAPPED* positions have % identity >= self.cluster_thresh

    also adjusts Pr(S) [prior] and Pr(S_t-1) [posteriors] as needed after merging.
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Clustering sequences for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        sys.stderr.write("\tcluster threshold = %.3f\n"%(self.cluster_thresh))
        start_time = time()

    # get posteriors ready for slicing (just prior to this call, is csr matrix?):
    self.posteriors[-1] = self.posteriors[-1].tolil()

    # sort fasta sequences longest to shortest
    tmp_fastafilename = fastafilename + ".sorted.tmp.fasta"
    check_call("usearch --sort %s --output %s"%(fastafilename, tmp_fastafilename), shell=True, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stderr) 
    tmp_fastafile = pysam.Fastafile(tmp_fastafilename)
    # do global alignments with USEARCH/UCLUST.
    # I don't use --cluster because it doesn't report alignments
    # usearch is fast but will sometimes miss things -- I've tried to tune params as best as I can.
    # Also, I use a lower %ID thresh than specified for joining because I really calculate %ID over *mapped* sequence positions.

    # turn off banding when fewer seqs to increase alignment accuracy (more merging) at expense of speed
    sens_string = ""
    uclust_id = 0.95
    # uclust_id = self.cluster_thresh - 0.05

    # if em.iteration_i > 10:
    num_seqs = len([x for x in self.probN if x is not None])
    if num_seqs < 400:
        # sens_string = "--band 128 -w 4 "  # slower, but more sensitive
        sens_string = "--band 128 --nousort "  # slower, but more sensitive
    # if really few seqs, then no use not doing smith-waterman alignments
    if num_seqs < 50:
        # sens_string = "--nofastalign" # *much* slower -- full smith-waterman
        sens_string = "--band 128 --nousort"      # turn off u-sorting -- this is now a lot like blast.
        uclust_id = 0.95

    cmd = "usearch --query %s --db %s --id %.3f --iddef 2 --uc %s.uc --maxaccepts 0 --maxrejects 0 --global --self %s"%\
          (tmp_fastafilename, tmp_fastafilename,
           tmp_fastafilename, sens_string)

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("usearch command was:\n%s\n"%(cmd))

    check_call(cmd, shell=True, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stderr)
    # read clustering file to adjust Priors and Posteriors, summing merged reference sequences
    # Tab-separated fields:
    # 1=Type, 2=ClusterNr, 3=SeqLength or ClusterSize, 4=PctId, 5=Strand, 6=QueryStart, 7=SeedStart, 8=Alignment, 9=QueryLabel, 10=TargetLabel
    nummerged = 0
    alnstring_pat = re.compile(r'(\d*)([MDI])')
    already_removed = set()  # seq_ids
    # this is a bit slow and almost certainly could be sped up with algorithmic improvements.
    times = []  # DEBUG
    for row in csv.reader(file("%s.uc"%tmp_fastafilename), delimiter='\t'):
        if row[0] == "H":  # here's an alignment
            t0 = time()
            # member == query
            member_name = self.clustermark_pat.search(row[8]).groups()[1]  # strip off beginning cluster marks
            seed_name = self.clustermark_pat.search(row[9]).groups()[1]  # strip off beginning cluster marks
            if member_name == seed_name:
                continue # new version of usearch doesn't officially support --self?
            member_seq_id = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1][member_name]
            seed_seq_id = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1][seed_name]
            if member_seq_id in already_removed or seed_seq_id in already_removed:

            # decide if these pass the cluster_thresh *over non-gapped columns*
            member_i = 0
            seed_i   = 0
            matches = 0
            aln_columns    = 0
            member_fasta_seq = tmp_fastafile.fetch(member_name)
            seed_fasta_seq   = tmp_fastafile.fetch(seed_name)
            member_unmapped = self.unmapped_bases[member_seq_id]  # unmapped positions (default prob)
            seed_unmapped = self.unmapped_bases[seed_seq_id]
            t0 = time()

            aln_columns, matches = _emirge.count_cigar_aln(tmp_fastafile.fetch(seed_name),
            ## print >> sys.stderr, "DEBUG: %.6e seconds"%(time()-t0)# timedelta(seconds = time()-t0)

            # if alignment is less that 500 bases, or identity over those 500+ bases is not above thresh, then continue                
            if (aln_columns < 500) or ((float(matches) / aln_columns) < self.cluster_thresh):

            # DEBUG PRINT:
            if self._VERBOSE and num_seqs < 50:
                # print >> sys.stderr, row
                # print >> sys.stderr, "%s %s %s %s  --  %s, %s"%(member_seq_id, member_name, seed_seq_id, seed_name, float(matches), aln_columns)
                print >> sys.stderr, "\t\t%s|%s vs %s|%s %.3f over %s aligned columns"%(member_seq_id, member_name, seed_seq_id, seed_name,
                                                                float(matches) / aln_columns, aln_columns)

            # if above thresh, then first decide which sequence to keep, (one with higher prior probability).
            percent_id = (float(matches) / aln_columns) * 100.
            t0 = time()
            if self.priors[-1][seed_seq_id] > self.priors[-1][member_seq_id]:
                keep_seq_id = seed_seq_id
                remove_seq_id = member_seq_id
                keep_name = seed_name
                remove_name = member_name
                keep_seq_id = member_seq_id
                remove_seq_id = seed_seq_id
                keep_name   = member_name
                remove_name = seed_name

            # merge priors (add remove_seq_id probs to keep_seq_id probs).
            self.priors[-1][keep_seq_id] += self.priors[-1][remove_seq_id]
            self.priors[-1][remove_seq_id] = 0.0

            # now merge posteriors (all removed probs from remove_seq_id go to keep_seq_id).
            # self.posteriors[-1] at this point is lil_matrix
            # some manipulations of underlying sparse matrix data structures for efficiency here.
            # 1st, do addition in csr format (fast), convert to lil format, and store result in temporary array.
            new_row = (self.posteriors[-1].getrow(keep_seq_id).tocsr() + self.posteriors[-1].getrow(remove_seq_id).tocsr()).tolil() # NEW 4
            # then change linked lists directly in the posteriors data structure -- this is very fast
            self.posteriors[-1].data[keep_seq_id] = new_row.data[0] # NEW 4
            self.posteriors[-1].rows[keep_seq_id] = new_row.rows[0] # NEW 4
            # these two lines remove the row from the linked list (or rather, make them empty rows), essentially setting all elements to 0
            self.posteriors[-1].rows[remove_seq_id] = []  
            self.posteriors[-1].data[remove_seq_id] = []

            # set self.probN[removed] to be None -- note that this doesn't really matter, except for
            # writing out probN.pkl.gz every iteration, as probN is recalculated from bam file
            # with each iteration
            self.probN[remove_seq_id] = None

            nummerged += 1
            if self._VERBOSE:
                sys.stderr.write("\t...merging %d|%s into %d|%s (%.2f%% ID over %d columns) in %.3f seconds\n"%\
                                 (remove_seq_id, remove_name,
                                  keep_seq_id,   keep_name,
                                  percent_id, aln_columns, 
        else:  # not an alignment line in input .uc file

    # if len(times) and self._VERBOSE:  # DEBUG
    #     sys.stderr.write("merges: %d\n"%(len(times)))
    #     sys.stderr.write("total time for all merges: %.3f seconds\n"%(numpy.sum(times)))
    #     sys.stderr.write("average time per merge: %.3f seconds\n"%(numpy.mean(times)))
    #     sys.stderr.write("min time per merge: %.3f seconds\n"%(numpy.min(times)))
    #     sys.stderr.write("max time per merge: %.3f seconds\n"%(numpy.max(times)))

    # write new fasta file with only new sequences
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Writing new fasta file for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
    outfile = file(fastafilename, 'w')
    for record in FastIterator(file(tmp_fastafilename)): # read through file again, overwriting orig file if we keep the seq
        seqname = self.clustermark_pat.search(record.title.split()[0]).groups()[1]  # strip off beginning cluster marks
        seq_id = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1][seqname]
        if seq_id not in already_removed:

    # clean up.
    check_call("sed -i 's/^>[0-9]\+|.\?|/>/g' %s"%(fastafilename), shell=True)  # remove cluster marks left by USEARCH (still needed?)

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("\tremoved %d sequences after merging\n"%(nummerged))
        sys.stderr.write("DONE Clustering sequences for iteration %d at %s [%s]...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime(), timedelta(seconds = time()-start_time)))


def do_mapping(self, full_fasta_path, nice = None):
    IN:  path of fasta file to map reads to 
    run external mapping program to produce bam file
    right now this is bowtie
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Starting read mapping for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))

    self.do_mapping_bowtie(full_fasta_path, nice = nice)

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("DONE with read mapping for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))

def do_mapping_bowtie(self, full_fasta_path, nice = None):
    run bowtie to produce bam file for next iteration

    bowtie_logfile = os.path.join(self.iterdir, "bowtie.iter.%02d.log"%(self.iteration_i))
    bowtie_index   = os.path.join(self.iterdir, "bowtie.index.iter.%02d"%(self.iteration_i))
    # 1. build index
    cmd = "bowtie-build -o 3 %s %s > %s 2>&1"%(full_fasta_path , bowtie_index, bowtie_logfile) # -o 3 for speed? magnitude of speedup untested!
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("\tbowtie-build command:\n")
    check_call(cmd, shell=True, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stderr)

    # 2. run bowtie
    nicestring = ""
    if nice is not None:
        nicestring = "nice -n %d"%(nice)

    if self.reads1_filepath.endswith(".gz"):
        cat_cmd = "gzip -dc "
        cat_cmd = "cat "

    # these are used for single reads too.
    shared_bowtie_params = "--phred%d-quals -t -p %s  -n 3 -l %s -e %s  --best --strata --all --sam --chunkmbs 128"%(self.reads_ascii_offset, self.n_cpus, BOWTIE_l, BOWTIE_e)

    minins = max((self.insert_mean - 3*self.insert_sd), self.max_read_length)
    maxins = self.insert_mean + 3*self.insert_sd
    output_prefix = os.path.join(self.iterdir, "bowtie.iter.%02d"%(self.iteration_i))

    if self.reads2_filepath is not None:
        bowtie_command = "%s %s | %s bowtie %s --minins %d --maxins %d %s -1 - -2 %s | samtools view -b -S -F 0x0004 - -o %s.PE.bam >> %s 2>&1"%(\
            minins, maxins,
    else: # single reads
        bowtie_command = "%s %s | %s bowtie %s %s - | samtools view -b -S -F 0x0004 - -o %s.PE.bam >> %s 2>&1"%(\

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("\tbowtie command:\n")

    check_call(bowtie_command, shell=True, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stderr)

    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("\tFinished Bowtie for iteration %02d at %s:\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))

    # 3. clean up
    # check_call("samtools index %s.sort.PE.bam"%(output_prefix), shell=True, stdout = sys.stdout, stderr = sys.stderr)
    check_call("gzip -f %s"%(bowtie_logfile), shell=True)

    assert self.iterdir != '/'
    for filename in os.listdir(self.iterdir):
        assert(len(os.path.basename(bowtie_index)) >= 20)  # weak check that I'm not doing anything dumb.
        if os.path.basename(bowtie_index) in filename:
            os.remove(os.path.join(self.iterdir, filename))
def calc_likelihoods(self):
    sets self.likelihoods  (seq_n x read_n) for this round
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Calculating likelihood %s for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.likelihoods.shape, self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        start_time = time()
    # first calculate self.probN from mapped reads, previous round's posteriors
    self.calc_probN()   # (handles initial iteration differently within this method)

    # for speed:
    probN = self.probN
    numpy_float = numpy.float
    sequence_name2sequence_i = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1]
    read_name2read_i         = self.read_name2read_i[-1]
    base2i_get = self.base2i.get
    arange = numpy.arange
    numpy_log = numpy.log
    e = numpy.e
    lik_row_seqi = numpy.empty(len(self.bamfile_data), dtype=numpy.uint) # these for constructing coo_matrix for likelihood.
    lik_col_readi = numpy.empty_like(lik_row_seqi)
    lik_data = numpy.empty(len(self.bamfile_data), dtype=numpy.float)
    bamfile_data = self.bamfile_data
    reads = self.reads
    quals = self.quals
    zeros = numpy.zeros

    # TODO: multiprocess -- worker pools would just return three arrays that get appended at end (extend instead of append) before coo matrix construction
    # data needed outside of bamfile:
    # optional: bamfile_data, quals
    # required: base2i, probN

    # keep looping here in python so that we can (in the future) use multiprocessing with an iterator (no cython looping).
    # calc_likelihood_cell = _emirge.calc_likelihood_cell
    # for alignedread_i, (seq_i, read_i, pair_i, rlen, pos) in enumerate(bamfile_data):
    #     lik_row_seqi[alignedread_i] = seq_i
    #     lik_col_readi[alignedread_i] = read_i
    #     lik_data[alignedread_i] = calc_likelihood_cell(seq_i, read_i, pair_i,
    #                                                    pos,
    #                                                    reads[read_i],
    #                                                    quals[read_i],
    #                                                    probN[seq_i])

    # Move looping to cython for small speed gain if we don't multiprocess.

    # now actually construct sparse matrix.
    self.likelihoods = sparse.coo_matrix((lik_data, (lik_row_seqi, lik_col_readi)), self.likelihoods.shape, dtype=self.likelihoods.dtype).tocsr()
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("DONE Calculating likelihood for iteration %d at %s [%s]...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime(), timedelta(seconds = time()-start_time)))

def calc_posteriors(self):
    Calculates Pr(S|R) for all sequence read pairs
    requires that the likelihood and priors are already calculated.
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("Calculating posteriors for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        t_start = time()

    # first populate with numerator of Bayes' theorum.  Use t-1 for priors, which corresponds to previous item in list/queue
    # do row by row now that I'm using sparse matrix
    lik_csr = self.likelihoods.tocsr()  # for efficient row slicing
    data = []  # these for constructing coo matrix
    ii   = []
    jj   = []
    for seq_i, this_prior in enumerate(self.priors[-2]):
        # self.posteriors[-1][seq_i, :] = l[seq_i, :] * this_prior
        this_row_coo = lik_csr[seq_i, :].tocoo()
        if this_row_coo.nnz == 0:
        data.append(this_row_coo.data * this_prior)
        ii.append(numpy.ones_like(jj[-1]) * seq_i)
    # build new coo_matrix for posteriors, convert to csc_matrix (for column slicing in calc_priors)
    data = numpy.concatenate(data)
    ii   = numpy.concatenate(ii)
    jj   = numpy.concatenate(jj)
    self.posteriors[-1] = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (ii, jj)), shape=self.likelihoods.shape, dtype=self.posteriors[-1].dtype)
    # now divide by sum of likelihoods*priors -- normalization factor (summed for each read over all possible sequences)
    denom = numpy.asarray(self.posteriors[-1].tocsc().sum(axis=0)).flatten()
    # only divide by nonzero denom -- this is taken care of by coo format!
    self.posteriors[-1].data = self.posteriors[-1].data / denom[(self.posteriors[-1].col,)]  # index out denom with column indices from coo format. 

    # convert to csc format for storage and use in self.calc_prior later.
    self.posteriors[-1] = self.posteriors[-1].tocsc()
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("DONE Calculating posteriors for iteration %d at %s [%.3f seconds]...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime(), time() - t_start))

def calc_probN(self):
    If read or sequence is new this round (not seen at t-1), then there is no Pr(S|R) from previous round, so we substitute Pr(S), the unbiased prior
    If initial iteration, all reads and seqs are new, so all calcs for Pr(N=n) use the prior as weighting factor instead of previous round's posterior.
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("\tCalculating Pr(N=n) for iteration %d at %s...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime()))
        start_time = time()

    # basecounts = [seqprobNarray.astype(numpy.uint32) for seqprobNarray in self.probN]
    initial_iteration = self.iteration_i < 1

    # for speed:
    probN = self.probN
    if not initial_iteration:
        self.posteriors[-2] = self.posteriors[-2].tolil()
        posteriors = self.posteriors[-2]  # this depends on PREVIOUS iteration's posteriors (seq_n x read_n)
        posteriors = None
    priors     = self.priors[-2]          # and if no posteriors are present (or initial iter), falls back on priors from previous round
    base2i_get = self.base2i.get
    sequence_name2sequence_i = self.sequence_name2sequence_i[-1]
    read_name2read_i = self.read_name2read_i[-1]
    bamfile_data = self.bamfile_data
    reads = self.reads
    quals = self.quals
    np_int = numpy.int

    # could multithread this too.  self.probN is what is being written to.
    # calc_probN_read = _emirge.calc_probN_read
    # for alignedread_i in range(bamfile_data.shape[0]):
    #     seq_i, read_i, pair_i, rlen, pos = bamfile_data[alignedread_i]
    #     calc_probN_read(initial_iteration,
    #                     seq_i, read_i, pos,
    #                     priors,
    #                     posteriors,
    #                     reads[read_i],
    #                     quals[read_i],
    #                     probN[seq_i])

    # here do looping in Cython (this loop is about 95% of the time in this method on test data):

    numpy_where = numpy.where
    numpy_nonzero = numpy.nonzero
    # Here is Pr(N=n) = 0.95 (set default error_P to 0.05); kind of arbitrary.
    # NOW setting so all other bases < snp_minor_prob_thresh, but ref base not as high as before.
    # default_error = 1 - (3. * self.snp_minor_prob_thresh * 0.95) # make sure don't create snps by splitting
    default_error = self.DEFAULT_ERROR
    for seq_i, probNarray in enumerate(probN):
        if probNarray is None:  # means this sequence is no longer present in this iteration
            self.unmapped_bases[seq_i] = None
        # only divide cells with at least one base mapped.
        nonzero_indices = numpy_nonzero(probNarray.sum(axis=1))
        nonzero_probsums = probNarray.sum(axis=1)[nonzero_indices[0]]
        nonzero_probsums = nonzero_probsums.reshape((nonzero_probsums.shape[0], 1))
        probN[seq_i][nonzero_indices[0]] = probNarray[nonzero_indices[0]] / nonzero_probsums

        # bases with no mappings now -- (arbitrarily) set Pr(N=n) to 0.95 where n = reference base
        zero_indices    = numpy_where(probNarray.sum(axis=1) == 0)
        self.unmapped_bases[seq_i] = numpy.zeros(probNarray.shape[0], dtype=numpy.bool)
        self.unmapped_bases[seq_i][zero_indices[0]] = True
        if zero_indices[0].shape[0] > 0:  # there are bases without mappings.
            fastaname = self.sequence_name2fasta_name[self.sequence_i2sequence_name[-1][seq_i]]
            bases = numpy.array(self.fastafile.fetch(fastaname), dtype='c')[zero_indices[0]]
            numeric_bases = [base2i_get(base, 4) for base in bases]
            error_P = numpy.zeros(zero_indices[0].shape) + default_error
            # add P/3 to all bases without mappings.
            probNarray[zero_indices[0], :4] += (error_P / 3.).reshape((len(zero_indices[0]), 1)) # TODO: check this broadcasting...
            # subtract P/3 from previous reference base
            probNarray[(zero_indices[0], numeric_bases)] -= (error_P / 3.)
            # add (1-P) to previous reference base
            probNarray[(zero_indices[0], numeric_bases)] += (1. - error_P)
            # TODO: figure out if all this can be kept in log space... rounding errors might be +/- 3e-12
    if self._VERBOSE:
        sys.stderr.write("\tDONE calculating Pr(N=n) for iteration %d at %s [%s]...\n"%(self.iteration_i, ctime(), timedelta(seconds = time()-start_time)))


def update_prior(self):
    Updates Pr(S) based on the calculated Pr(S|R) from previous M step.


def write_fastq_for_seq_i(self, seq_i, output_prefix = None):
    for a specific seq_i, write the reads that most of their
    probability (>50%) assigned to this sequence into output_prefix.fastq
    as a fastq file.
    if output_prefix is None:
        output_prefix = os.path.join(em.iterdir, "%s.reads"%seq_i)
    of_fastq = file('%s.fastq'%(output_prefix), 'w')
    # go through bam file instead of original sequencing reads, as aligned reads only a fraction
    # of original file.
    self.posteriors[-1] = self.posteriors[-1].tolil()  # seq_i x read_i
    posteriors = self.posteriors[-1]
    bamfile = pysam