csn-le / wave_clus

A fast and unsupervised algorithm for spike detection and sorting using wavelets and super-paramagnetic clustering
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Trouble loading data from a .rhs format #122

Closed amyjwegener closed 5 years ago

amyjwegener commented 5 years ago


I am new to spike sorting and using MEAs to record activity. I have an Intan amplifier and my data is saved in a .rhs format. I have used the intan reader to create .mat files and I saved the amplifier data as variable "data." I can use the Get_spikes code to generate a new spikes file. However, when I attempt to use the GUI, for the original file or the new spikes file, I receive the following error.

wave_clus Access is denied.

Error using load Unable to read file 'data_wc.dg_01.lab'. No such file or directory.

Error in run_cluster (line 121) clu = load([fname '.dg_01.lab']);

Error in wave_clus>load_data_button_Callback (line 260) [clu,tree] = run_cluster(handles.par);

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95) feval(varargin{:});

Error in wave_clus (line 63) gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

IF you have any guidance on troubleshooting this error, I would appreciate it!

Thank you, Amy

ferchaure commented 5 years ago

It looks like a permission issue, try moving your data to a new folder

amyjwegener commented 5 years ago

I just noticed it the wave_clus intro PDF it says to copy a font file from the wave_clus directory into a Windows folder. Only problem is I don't have admin rights on my current computer. Do you know of a workaround?

Thanks, Amy

ferchaure commented 5 years ago

The font file isn't the problem.