csoltenborn / GoogleTestAdapter

Visual studio extension that adds support for the C++ testing framework Google Test.
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Fix Nuget package and add instructions #312

Closed L4ZZA closed 4 years ago

L4ZZA commented 4 years ago

Adding googletestadapter from Nuget does not work. image

You can't include the libraries in the C++ project after installing the package. The package does not include any header nor lib files and so it can't be used. image

csoltenborn commented 4 years ago

The GoogleTestAdapter NuGet package's purpose is not to provide gtest for your C++ projects, but only to teach VS/VsTestConsole.exe how to deal with gtest executables - it is a different way to install the GoogleTestAdapter extension (with some drawbacks as listed in the description).

I guess you are looking for NuGet packages such as this one.

Let me know if I'm wrong...

L4ZZA commented 4 years ago

I am already using Microsoft.googletest.v140.windesktop.msvcstl.static.rt-dyn but it doesn't include traits which are the main reason why I would use google test

csoltenborn commented 4 years ago

MS created these NuGet packages during the process of cloning my Google Test Adapter and releasing it as their Test Adapter for Google Test, and they decided to pack the "pure" gtest experience and not to include the custom macros for trait support that I created. If you want that changed, please ask over here.

However, it is rather simple to add support for traits: Just download this file, add it to your solution, and include it into your test projects.