csorbakristof / GrainRW

Related work - literature sweep for GrainAutLine
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Segmentation of sandstone thin section images with separation of touching grains using optimum path forest operators #64

Closed csorbakristof closed 4 years ago

csorbakristof commented 9 years ago


csorbakristof commented 9 years ago

Abstact emphasizes minimal user interaction. Uses euclidean distance transform (EDT) and watershed to find boundaries of merged grains. EDT has valleys just between two grains, in the touching area. IFT: Image foresting transform. Starts from seeds (perimeter for EDT, peaks of EDT for watershed) and adds similar neighbouring pixels. (For initial clustering, similarity is based on color similarity to the seed.) Uses Live Markers (LM) for user interaction: seeds to include in the same or in different segments.

Megoldás az AutoCut funkcióra?

csorbakristof commented 8 years ago

Interactive correction tools with LiveMarkers. Easy to read.