csound / manual

Csound Reference Manual (English)
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"dates" example assumes working directory will be the same as csd file location #469

Open tgrey1 opened 4 years ago

tgrey1 commented 4 years ago

This printed line makes an incorrect assumption:

printf_i "File '%s' written to the same directory as this CSD file is!\n", 1, Sfilnam

The file will actually be written to whatever the working directory was when csound was executed. For example, running the example csd from up a directory: csound examples/dates.csd will demonstrate the issue.

This can be fixed by either changing the wording in the printed message, or by using an approach like the new pwd combination example suggested here: https://github.com/csound/manual/issues/318#issuecomment-711845782

joachimheintz commented 4 years ago

correct. just to note that the assumption was due to what csoundqt does (indeed here is the working directory the directory of the current csd). but for sure this manual should reflect the general csound case, so in doubt commandline usage. so i agree with your suggestion.

On 19/10/2020 10:43, tgrey1 wrote:

This printed line makes an incorrect assumption:

|printf_i "File '%s' written to the same directory as this CSD file is!\n", 1, Sfilnam|

The file will actually be written to whatever the working directory was when csound was executed. For example, running the example csd from up a directory: |csound examples/dates.csd| will demonstrate the issue.

This can be fixed by either changing the wording in the printed message, or by using an approach like the new pwd combination example suggested here:

318 (comment)


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csounder commented 4 years ago

You could also suggest, in some cases, "run in terminal recommended" - possibly for some of the FLTK examples too.

Dr. Richard Boulanger

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On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 12:16 PM joachimheintz notifications@github.com wrote:

correct. just to note that the assumption was due to what csoundqt does (indeed here is the working directory the directory of the current csd). but for sure this manual should reflect the general csound case, so in doubt commandline usage. so i agree with your suggestion.

On 19/10/2020 10:43, tgrey1 wrote:

This printed line makes an incorrect assumption:

|printf_i "File '%s' written to the same directory as this CSD file is!\n", 1, Sfilnam|

The file will actually be written to whatever the working directory was when csound was executed. For example, running the example csd from up a directory: |csound examples/dates.csd| will demonstrate the issue.

This can be fixed by either changing the wording in the printed message, or by using an approach like the new pwd combination example suggested here:

318 (comment)


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tgrey1 commented 4 years ago

@csounder I don't know, but my opinion is that if we're working to keep the csound manual front end agnostic I'd argue that we shouldn't be documenting these types of irregular behaviors here. It feels like something that should be covered in QT docs or elsewhere? Maybe a specific section about using csound with front ends?

Otherwise we will potentially need these types of caveats on a large number of manual pages for unknown numbers of front ends in the future.

FLTK should be a non-issue tho, since we'll be paring those down to only appear in FLTK opcode examples soon. ;)