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Csound Reference Manual (English)
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musical example for reinit #618

Closed tjingboem closed 11 months ago

tjingboem commented 2 years ago

possible musical example for reinit. Trying to get permission to use this in the manual as it is a part of the book "Virtual Sound" book by Bianchini and Cipriani.

;-n -d 
-o dac
;               GRANULAR SYNTHESIS
;              --------------------
;                   Ver 2.1
;               Eugenio Giordani
;this csd implements the Granular Synthesis based on the model proposed by B. Truax.
;--------------- ORCHESTRA HEADER -------------------
;NOTE: for a better audio quality ksmps = 1
sr = 44100
ksmps  = 2
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

;---------------- Global control variables initialization -------------
gkdur       init 0  ;average grain duration
gkdurr      init 0  ;grain duration random variation
gkdel       init 0  ;average grain delay
gkdelr      init 0  ;grain delay random variation
gkramp      init 0  ;ramp ratio
gkfreq      init 0  ;audio signal average frequency
gkfreqr     init 0  ;audio signal frequency random variation
gkphase     init 0  ;audio signal phase
gkphaser    init 0  ;audio signal phase random variation
gkamp       init 0  ;global amplitude

gkran       init 0  ;instant random frequency

gkrnd1      init 0  ;instant grain random duration  (VOICE #1)
gkrnd2      init 0  ;                               (VOICE #2)
gkrnd3      init 0  ;                               (VOICE #3)
gkrnd4      init 0  ;                               (VOICE #4)

gkrnd1y     init 0  ;instant grain random delay     (VOICE #1)
gkrnd2y     init 0  ;                               (VOICE #2)
gkrnd3y     init 0  ;                               (VOICE #3)
gkrnd4y     init 0  ;                               (VOICE #4)

gkrnd1p     init 0  ;instant grain random phase     (VOICE #1)
gkrnd2p     init 0  ;                               (VOICE #2)
gkrnd3p     init 0  ;                               (VOICE #3)
gkrnd4p     init 0  ;                               (VOICE #4)

instr 1
;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #1) =============

ifun    = p4    ;audio function
;       Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation)
;       ----------------------------------------------
idur    = i(gkdur)                      ;the gk... values are sampled
                                        ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11
                                        ;and converted in type i var

idurr   = i (gkrnd1)

itrpz   = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid

iramp   = i(gkramp) + 0.1           ;plus magic number

idel    = i(gkdel)
idelr   = i(gkrnd1y)
idely   = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay
ifreq   = i(gkfreq)
ifreqr  = i(gkran)
iphase  = i(gkphase)
iphaser  = i(gkrnd1p)
iamp    = i(gkamp)

irise   = itrpz/iramp               ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid
isus    = itrpz - (2 * irise)       ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid
igrain  = itrpz + idely             ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay
iph     = abs(iphase + iphaser)     ;calculates the final phase
ifq     = ifreq + ifreqr            ;calculates the final frequency

;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) -------------------
;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded
;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero

timout 0,igrain,cont    ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont

reinit loop             ;or go to the reinitialization

k1      linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop
ga1     oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph                      ;generates voice 1
printk 0.1, k(ga1)
ga2     init 0
ga3     init 0
ga4     init 0

instr 2
;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #2) =============

ifun    = p4    ;audio function
;       Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation)
;       ----------------------------------------------
idur    = i(gkdur)                      ;the gk... values are sampled
                                        ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11
                                        ;and converted in type i var

idurr   = i (gkrnd2)

itrpz   = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid

iramp   = i(gkramp) + 0.1           ;plus magic number

idel    = i(gkdel)
idelr   = i(gkrnd2y)
idely   = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay
ifreq   = i(gkfreq)
ifreqr  = i(gkran)
iphase  = i(gkphase)
iphaser  = i(gkrnd2p)
iamp    = i(gkamp)

irise   = itrpz/iramp               ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid
isus    = itrpz - (2 * irise)       ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid
igrain  = itrpz + idely                             ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay
iph     = abs(iphase + iphaser)     ;calculates the final phase
ifq     = ifreq + ifreqr            ;calculates the final frequency

;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) -------------------
;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded
;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero

timout 0,igrain,cont    ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont

reinit loop             ;or go to the reinitialization

k1      linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop
ga2     oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph                      ;generates voice 2


instr 3
;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #3) =============

ifun    = p4    ;audio function
;       Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation)
;       ----------------------------------------------
idur    = i(gkdur)                      ;the gk... values are sampled
                                        ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11
                                        ;and converted in type i var

idurr   = i (gkrnd3)

itrpz   = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid

iramp   = i(gkramp) + 0.1           ;plus magic number

idel    = i(gkdel)
idelr   = i(gkrnd3y)
idely   = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay
ifreq   = i(gkfreq)
ifreqr  = i(gkran)
iphase  = i(gkphase)
iphaser  = i(gkrnd3p)
iamp    = i(gkamp)

irise   = itrpz/iramp                ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid
isus    = itrpz - (2 * irise)             ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid
igrain  = itrpz + idely                       ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay
iph     = abs(iphase + iphaser)      ;calculates the final phase
ifq     = ifreq + ifreqr             ;calculates the final frequency

;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) -------------------
;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded
;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero

timout 0,igrain,cont    ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont

reinit loop             ;or go to the reinitialization

k1      linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop
ga3     oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph                      ;generates voice 3


instr 4
;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #4) =============

ifun    = p4    ;audio function
;       Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation)
;       ----------------------------------------------
idur    = i(gkdur)                      ;the gk... values are sampled
                                        ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11
                                        ;and converted in type i var

idurr   = i (gkrnd4)

itrpz   = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid

iramp   = i(gkramp) + 0.1           ;plus magic number

idel    = i(gkdel)
idelr   = i(gkrnd4y)
idely   = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay
ifreq   = i(gkfreq)
ifreqr  = i(gkran)
iphase  = i(gkphase)
iphaser  = i(gkrnd4p)
iamp    = i(gkamp)

irise   = itrpz/iramp               ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid
isus    = itrpz - (2 * irise)       ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid
igrain  = itrpz + idely             ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay
iph     = abs(iphase + iphaser)     ;calculates the final phase
ifq     = ifreq + ifreqr            ;calculates the final frequency

;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) -------------------
;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded
;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero

timout 0,igrain,cont    ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont

reinit loop             ;or go to the reinitialization

k1      linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop
ga4     oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph                          ;generates voice 4


;=========== GRAIN CONTROLLER =============
instr 11

gkdur       oscil1  0,1,p3,p4           ;control generator for  idur
printk 0.1, gkdur
gkdurr      oscil1  0,1,p3,p5           ;                       idurr
gkdel       oscil1  0,1,p3,p6           ;                       idel
gkdelr      oscil1  0,1,p3,p7                       ;                       idelr
gkramp      oscil1  0,1,p3,p8           ;                       iramp
gkfreq      oscil1  0,1,p3,p9           ;                       ifreq
gkfreqr     oscil1  0,1,p3,p10                      ;                       ifreqr
gkphase     oscil1  0,1,p3,p11                  ;                       iphase
gkphaser    oscil1  0,1,p3,p12                  ;                       iphaser
gkamp       oscil1  0,1,p3,p13          ;                       iamp

krnd1       rand    1,  0.1             ;random generator   (VOICE #1)
krnd2       rand    1,  0.9             ;                   (VOICE #2)
krnd3       rand    1,  0.5             ;                   (VOICE #3)
krnd4       rand    1,  0.3             ;                   (VOICE #4)

;the instantaneous values of the random generators are rescaled to obtain the appropriate values of
;frequency, duration, delay, and phase

gkran   = krnd1 * gkfreqr/2 ;rescale freq random variation    (VOICE #1,2,3,4)

gkrnd1  = krnd1 * gkdurr/2  ;rescale duration random variation                      (VOICE #1)
gkrnd2  = krnd2 * gkdurr/2  ;                                                       (VOICE #2)
gkrnd3  = krnd3 * gkdurr/2  ;                                                       (VOICE #3)
gkrnd4  = krnd4 * gkdurr/2  ;                                                       (VOICE #4)

gkrnd1y  = krnd1 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2)    ;rescale delay random variation         (VOICE #1)
gkrnd2y  = krnd2 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2)    ;                                       (VOICE #2)
gkrnd3y  = krnd3 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2)    ;                                       (VOICE #3)
gkrnd4y  = krnd4 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2)    ;                                       (VOICE #4)

gkrnd1p = krnd1 * gkphaser/2    ;rescale phase random variation 
gkrnd2p = krnd2 * gkphaser/2    ;
gkrnd3p = krnd3 * gkphaser/2    ; 
gkrnd4p = krnd4 * gkphaser/2    ;


;=========================== RESCALE, MIX & OUT ================================

instr 21

iscale = p4                     ;reads the scale factor from the score
outs1 (ga1/2 + ga2/2) * iscale  ;sends the voices 1 and 2 to output
outs2 (ga3/2 + ga4/2) * iscale  ;sends the voices 3 and 4 to output
;-------- Control function for grain duration --------
f11 0 512 -7 10 256 20 128 20  128 16

;-------- Control function for random duration variation --------
f12 0 512 -7 4 256 1 256 0

;-------- Control function for grain delay --------
f13 0 512 -7 10 256 20 256 5

;-------- Control function for random delay variation --------
f14 0 512 -7 0 128 0 256 2 128 0

;-------- Control function for ramp ratio --------
f15 0 512 -7 2 256 4 256 2

;-------- Control function for frequency --------
;f16  0 512 -7 1.345 512 3.345
f16   0 512 -7 220 512 220

;-------- Control function for random frequency variation --------
f17 0 512 -7 0 512 110

;-------- Control function for phase (or Pointer to audio file) --------
f18 0 512 -7 0 512 0

;-------- Control function for random phase variation --------
f19 0 512 -7 0 128 1 256 0 128 0

;-------- Control function for total amplitude --------
f20 0 512 7 0 128 1 256 1 128 0
;================= Audio Functions =====================
;f1  0   0 -1  "density.wav"   0   0   0
f1 0 1024 10 0.6 0.8 1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7
;p1 p2  p3  p4 
;           ifun
i1  0   40  1
i2  0   40  1
i3  0   40  1
i4  0   40  1
;              dur     durr    del   delr   ramp  freq  freqr  phase phaser  amp
i11 0   40     11      12      13    14     15    16    17     18    19      20 
;           scale
i21 0   40  .61
f0 z
csounder commented 2 years ago

beautiful and inspiring example - and another wonderful memorial of Euginio's great Csound work. hopefully, you will include it.

- Dr.B

Dr. Richard Boulanger


Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing & Technology Division

On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 10:47 AM Menno Knevel @.***> wrote:

possible musical example for reinit. Trying to get permission to use this in the manual as it is a part of the book "Virtual Sound" book by Bianchini and Cipriani.

;-n -d -o dac ; ; GRANULAR SYNTHESIS ; -------------------- ; Ver 2.1 ; Eugenio Giordani ; ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;this csd implements the Granular Synthesis based on the model proposed by B. Truax. ; ;--------------- ORCHESTRA HEADER ------------------- ;NOTE: for a better audio quality ksmps = 1 ; sr = 44100 ksmps = 2 nchnls = 2 0dbfs = 1 ;---------------- Global control variables initialization ------------- ; gkdur init 0 ;average grain duration gkdurr init 0 ;grain duration random variation gkdel init 0 ;average grain delay gkdelr init 0 ;grain delay random variation gkramp init 0 ;ramp ratio gkfreq init 0 ;audio signal average frequency gkfreqr init 0 ;audio signal frequency random variation gkphase init 0 ;audio signal phase gkphaser init 0 ;audio signal phase random variation gkamp init 0 ;global amplitude gkran init 0 ;instant random frequency gkrnd1 init 0 ;instant grain random duration (VOICE #1) gkrnd2 init 0 ; (VOICE #2) gkrnd3 init 0 ; (VOICE #3) gkrnd4 init 0 ; (VOICE #4) gkrnd1y init 0 ;instant grain random delay (VOICE #1) gkrnd2y init 0 ; (VOICE #2) gkrnd3y init 0 ; (VOICE #3) gkrnd4y init 0 ; (VOICE #4) gkrnd1p init 0 ;instant grain random phase (VOICE #1) gkrnd2p init 0 ; (VOICE #2) gkrnd3p init 0 ; (VOICE #3) gkrnd4p init 0 ; (VOICE #4) instr 1 ;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #1) ============= ifun = p4 ;audio function ; ; Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation) ; ---------------------------------------------- loop: idur = i(gkdur) ;the gk... values are sampled ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11 ;and converted in type i var idurr = i (gkrnd1) itrpz = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid iramp = i(gkramp) + 0.1 ;plus magic number idel = i(gkdel) idelr = i(gkrnd1y) idely = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay ifreq = i(gkfreq) ifreqr = i(gkran) iphase = i(gkphase) iphaser = i(gkrnd1p) iamp = i(gkamp) irise = itrpz/iramp ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid isus = itrpz - (2 * irise) ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid igrain = itrpz + idely ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay iph = abs(iphase + iphaser) ;calculates the final phase ifq = ifreq + ifreqr ;calculates the final frequency ;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) ------------------- ; ;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded ;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero timout 0,igrain,cont ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont reinit loop ;or go to the reinitialization cont: k1 linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop ga1 oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph ;generates voice 1 printk 0.1, k(ga1) ga2 init 0 ga3 init 0 ga4 init 0 endin instr 2 ;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #2) ============= ifun = p4 ;audio function ; ; Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation) ; ---------------------------------------------- loop: idur = i(gkdur) ;the gk... values are sampled ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11 ;and converted in type i var idurr = i (gkrnd2) itrpz = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid iramp = i(gkramp) + 0.1 ;plus magic number idel = i(gkdel) idelr = i(gkrnd2y) idely = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay ifreq = i(gkfreq) ifreqr = i(gkran) iphase = i(gkphase) iphaser = i(gkrnd2p) iamp = i(gkamp) irise = itrpz/iramp ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid isus = itrpz - (2 * irise) ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid igrain = itrpz + idely ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay iph = abs(iphase + iphaser) ;calculates the final phase ifq = ifreq + ifreqr ;calculates the final frequency ;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) ------------------- ; ;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded ;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero timout 0,igrain,cont ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont reinit loop ;or go to the reinitialization cont: k1 linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop ga2 oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph ;generates voice 2 endin instr 3 ;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #3) ============= ifun = p4 ;audio function ; ; Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation) ; ---------------------------------------------- loop: idur = i(gkdur) ;the gk... values are sampled ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11 ;and converted in type i var idurr = i (gkrnd3) itrpz = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid iramp = i(gkramp) + 0.1 ;plus magic number idel = i(gkdel) idelr = i(gkrnd3y) idely = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay ifreq = i(gkfreq) ifreqr = i(gkran) iphase = i(gkphase) iphaser = i(gkrnd3p) iamp = i(gkamp) irise = itrpz/iramp ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid isus = itrpz - (2 * irise) ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid igrain = itrpz + idely ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay iph = abs(iphase + iphaser) ;calculates the final phase ifq = ifreq + ifreqr ;calculates the final frequency ;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) ------------------- ; ;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded ;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero timout 0,igrain,cont ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont reinit loop ;or go to the reinitialization cont: k1 linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop ga3 oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph ;generates voice 3 endin instr 4 ;=========== GRAIN GENERATOR (VOICE #4) ============= ifun = p4 ;audio function ; ; Update of grain parameters (re-initialisation) ; ---------------------------------------------- loop: idur = i(gkdur) ;the gk... values are sampled ;by the corresponding generator in instr 11 ;and converted in type i var idurr = i (gkrnd4) itrpz = abs(0.001* (idur + idurr)) ;calculates the duration of the trapezoid iramp = i(gkramp) + 0.1 ;plus magic number idel = i(gkdel) idelr = i(gkrnd4y) idely = abs(0.001 * (idel + idelr)) ;calculate the total delay ifreq = i(gkfreq) ifreqr = i(gkran) iphase = i(gkphase) iphaser = i(gkrnd4p) iamp = i(gkamp) irise = itrpz/iramp ;calculates the attack time of the trapezoid isus = itrpz - (2 * irise) ;calculates the sustain duration of the trapezoid igrain = itrpz + idely ;calculates the duration trapezoid+delay iph = abs(iphase + iphaser) ;calculates the final phase ifq = ifreq + ifreqr ;calculates the final frequency ;------------ Interrupt simulation section (interruption) ------------------- ; ;The timout opcode works as a interrupt generator. Timout is loaded ;with the current duration of the grain and decremented automatically until zero timout 0,igrain,cont ;if the counter value is different from zero go to cont reinit loop ;or go to the reinitialization cont: k1 linseg 0,irise,iamp,isus,iamp,irise,0,idel,0 ;generates grain envelop ga4 oscili k1,ifq,ifun,iph ;generates voice 4 endin ;=========== GRAIN CONTROLLER ============= instr 11 ; gkdur oscil1 0,1,p3,p4 ;control generator for idur printk 0.1, gkdur gkdurr oscil1 0,1,p3,p5 ; idurr gkdel oscil1 0,1,p3,p6 ; idel gkdelr oscil1 0,1,p3,p7 ; idelr gkramp oscil1 0,1,p3,p8 ; iramp gkfreq oscil1 0,1,p3,p9 ; ifreq gkfreqr oscil1 0,1,p3,p10 ; ifreqr gkphase oscil1 0,1,p3,p11 ; iphase gkphaser oscil1 0,1,p3,p12 ; iphaser gkamp oscil1 0,1,p3,p13 ; iamp krnd1 rand 1, 0.1 ;random generator (VOICE #1) krnd2 rand 1, 0.9 ; (VOICE #2) krnd3 rand 1, 0.5 ; (VOICE #3) krnd4 rand 1, 0.3 ; (VOICE #4) ;the instantaneous values of the random generators are rescaled to obtain the appropriate values of ;frequency, duration, delay, and phase gkran = krnd1 * gkfreqr/2 ;rescale freq random variation (VOICE #1,2,3,4) gkrnd1 = krnd1 * gkdurr/2 ;rescale duration random variation (VOICE #1) gkrnd2 = krnd2 * gkdurr/2 ; (VOICE #2) gkrnd3 = krnd3 * gkdurr/2 ; (VOICE #3) gkrnd4 = krnd4 * gkdurr/2 ; (VOICE #4) gkrnd1y = krnd1 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2) ;rescale delay random variation (VOICE #1) gkrnd2y = krnd2 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2) ; (VOICE #2) gkrnd3y = krnd3 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2) ; (VOICE #3) gkrnd4y = krnd4 * (0.05 + gkdelr /2) ; (VOICE #4) gkrnd1p = krnd1 * gkphaser/2 ;rescale phase random variation gkrnd2p = krnd2 * gkphaser/2 ; gkrnd3p = krnd3 * gkphaser/2 ; gkrnd4p = krnd4 * gkphaser/2 ; endin ;=========================== RESCALE, MIX & OUT ================================ instr 21 iscale = p4 ;reads the scale factor from the score outs1 (ga1/2 + ga2/2) * iscale ;sends the voices 1 and 2 to output outs2 (ga3/2 + ga4/2) * iscale ;sends the voices 3 and 4 to output endin ;gsc4.sco ; ;-------- Control function for grain duration -------- ; f11 0 512 -7 10 256 20 128 20 128 16 ;-------- Control function for random duration variation -------- ; f12 0 512 -7 4 256 1 256 0 ;-------- Control function for grain delay -------- ; f13 0 512 -7 10 256 20 256 5 ;-------- Control function for random delay variation -------- ; f14 0 512 -7 0 128 0 256 2 128 0 ;-------- Control function for ramp ratio -------- ; f15 0 512 -7 2 256 4 256 2 ;-------- Control function for frequency -------- ; ;f16 0 512 -7 1.345 512 3.345 f16 0 512 -7 220 512 220 ;-------- Control function for random frequency variation -------- ; f17 0 512 -7 0 512 110 ;-------- Control function for phase (or Pointer to audio file) -------- ; f18 0 512 -7 0 512 0 ;-------- Control function for random phase variation -------- f19 0 512 -7 0 128 1 256 0 128 0 ;-------- Control function for total amplitude -------- ; f20 0 512 7 0 128 1 256 1 128 0 ;================= Audio Functions ===================== ;f1 0 0 -1 "density.wav" 0 0 0 f1 0 1024 10 0.6 0.8 1 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.7 ;=========================================================== ;p1 p2 p3 p4 ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; ifun i1 0 40 1 i2 0 40 1 i3 0 40 1 i4 0 40 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; dur durr del delr ramp freq freqr phase phaser amp i11 0 40 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; scale i21 0 40 .61 f0 z e

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tjingboem commented 1 year ago

i think i will just add this to the musical examples folder soon. It will be called Reinit_Giordani.csd

tjingboem commented 11 months ago


csounder commented 11 months ago


- Dr.B

Dr. Richard Boulanger


Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing & Technology Division

On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 3:44 PM Menno Knevel @.***> wrote:


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