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Csound Reference Manual (English)
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replace some samples part 2: (sometimes) fox #665

Open tjingboem opened 1 year ago

tjingboem commented 1 year ago

Sometimes(!) the fox can be replaced by Mathews.wav or perhaps marimba.aif or singFemale.aif All these samples can be fund in manual/examples already.

csounder commented 1 year ago


- Dr.B

Dr. Richard Boulanger


Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing & Technology Division

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 3:53 AM Menno Knevel @.***> wrote:

Sometimes(!) the fox can be replaced by Mathews.wav or perhaps marimba.aif or singFemale.aif All these samples can be fund in manual/examples already.

  • ATSadd-2.csd
  • ATSadd.csd
  • ATSaddnz-2.csd
  • ATSinfo.csd
  • ATSinterpread.csd
  • ATSread-musical.csd
  • ATSread.csd
  • ATSsinnoi-2.csd
  • PartikkelExample1.csd
  • allpole-2.csd
  • allpole.csd
  • atsa.csd
  • b.csd
  • capB.csd
  • ceps.csd
  • cepsinv.csd
  • clear.csd
  • cmplxprod.csd
  • convolve.csd
  • cross2.csd
  • cudanal.csd
  • delay.csd
  • diff.csd
  • exciter.csd
  • filelen.csd
  • filenchnls.csd
  • filescal.csd
  • filevalid.csd
  • fin.csd
  • flooper.csd
  • flooper2.csd
  • fog.csd
  • framebuffer.csd
  • ftlen.csd
  • gainslider.csd
  • gen19.csd
  • gen20.csd
  • gen23.csd
  • gen53.csd
  • genwave.csd
  • granule.csd
  • hetro.csd
  • integ.csd
  • irfft.csd
  • limit.csd
  • liveconv.csd
  • lpcanal-2.csd
  • lpcanal.csd
  • lpcfilter-2.csd
  • lpcfilter.csd
  • lpfreson.csd
  • lpread.csd
  • lpreson-2.csd
  • lpreson.csd
  • lpslot.csd
  • mac.csd
  • maca.csd
  • mags.csd
  • mfb.csd
  • mincer.csd
  • mirror.csd
  • nsamp.csd
  • opcode_f.csd
  • outch-3.csd
  • outleta.csd
  • partials.csd
  • partikkel-2.csd
  • passign.csd
  • paulstretch.csd
  • pconvolve.csd
  • phs.csd
  • pitch.csd
  • pitchamdf.csd
  • plltrack.csd
  • pol2rect.csd
  • port.csd
  • poscil3-file.csd
  • pow.csd
  • powoftwo.csd
  • printf.csd
  • ptrack.csd
  • pvadd.csd
  • pvanal.csd
  • pvinterp.csd
  • pvoc.csd
  • pvread.csd
  • pvsadsyn.csd
  • pvsanal.csd
  • pvsarp2.csd
  • pvsbandp.csd
  • pvsbandr.csd
  • pvsbandwidth.csd
  • pvsbin.csd
  • pvsblur.csd
  • pvsbuffer
  • pvsbuffer.csd
  • pvscale.csd
  • pvscent.csd
  • pvsceps.csd
  • pvscfs.csd
  • pvsdemix.csd
  • pvsdiskin.csd
  • pvsdisp.csd
  • pvsfilter.csd
  • pvsfreeze.csd
  • pvsftr.csd
  • pvsftw.csd
  • pvshift.csd
  • pvsinfo.csd
  • pvsinit.csd
  • pvslpc.csd
  • pvsmaska.csd
  • pvsmooth.csd
  • pvsmorph.csd
  • pvstanal.csd
  • pvsvoc.csd
  • pvswarp.csd
  • pvsynth.csd
  • raises.csd
  • readscore.csd
  • rect2pol.csd
  • repluck-advanced.csd
  • resonbnk.csd
  • resyn.csd
  • rfft.csd
  • rms.csd
  • scans-2.csd
  • shiftin.csd
  • shiftout.csd
  • sinsyn.csd
  • skf.csd
  • sndwarp.csd
  • spf.csd
  • spsend.csd
  • strcpyk.csd
  • streson.csd
  • strget.csd
  • strindexk.csd
  • syncgrain.csd
  • tabifd.csd
  • tableikt.csd
  • tableseg_tablexseg.csd
  • taninv2-advanced.csd
  • temposcal.csd
  • toot8.csd
  • toot9.csd
  • trcross.csd
  • trhighest.csd
  • trmix.csd
  • trscale.csd
  • trshift.csd
  • tvconv.csd
  • unwrap.csd
  • upsamp.csd
  • valpass.csd
  • vdelayx.csd
  • vdelayxq.csd
  • vdelayxwq.csd
  • vincr.csd
  • vpow-2.csd
  • vpow_i-2.csd
  • vpvoc.csd
  • wgpluck.csd
  • window.csd
  • wrap.csd
  • xscanmap.csd
  • xscanu.csd

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tjingboem commented 1 year ago


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac  ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o syncgrain.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100 
ksmps = 32 
0dbfs  = 1 
nchnls = 2

instr 1

iolaps  = 2
igrsize = 0.04
ifreq   = iolaps/igrsize
ips     = 1/iolaps

istr    = .3   /* timescale  */
ipitch  = p4   /* pitchscale */

asig    syncgrain 1, ifreq, ipitch, igrsize, ips*istr, 1, 2, iolaps
    outs      asig, asig 

f1 0 0 1 "Mathews.wav" 0 0 0    ;deferred table
f2   0   8192   20   2   1

i1 0 11 1
i1 + 11 4
i1 + 11 .8
tjingboem commented 1 year ago


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac   -m0  --limiter=.95 ;;;realtime audio out, with limiter protection
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o pvoc.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

; by Menno Knevel 2023

gilen  filelen "Mathews.wav"        ; get length of impulse soundfile

; analyze sound file and output result to pvoc-ex file
ires system_i 1,{{ pvanal Mathews.wav Mathews1.pvx }}          ; default settings

instr 1 ; untreated signal
asig    diskin2   "Mathews.wav", 1
outs    asig*.8, asig*.8

instr 2

ktime line 0, p3, gilen     ; timepointer over the entire sample
asig  pvoc ktime, p4, "Mathews1.pvx", 1 
      outs asig*.6, asig*.6


i1 0 15.6      ; original sample

i2  17 10   1  ; no change so original sample is played
i2  28 2    1  ; played faster

i2  31 30   1  ; slowed down, same pitch &
i2  63 10   .6 ; sped up and lower pitch

tjingboem commented 1 year ago


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;realtime audio out
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
;-o filelen.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

; by Menno Knevel 2022

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

instr 1 ; choose between mono or stereo file

ilen   filelen p4         ; calculate length of soundfile
prints "\nlenght of sample = %2.3f seconds\n\n", ilen
ichn filenchnls  p4       ; check number of channels

if (ichn == 1) then           ; mono signal
     asig diskin2 p4, 1 
     outs    asig, asig
     aL, aR diskin2 p4, 1     ; stereo signal 
     outs    aL, aR


i 1 0 8 "Mathews.wav"   ; mono signal
i 1 8 4 "drumsSlp.wav"  ; stereo signal
tjingboem commented 1 year ago


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform 
-odac     ;;;realtime audio out 
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too 
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below: 
; -o gen20.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform 

sr = 44100 
ksmps = 32 
nchnls = 2 
0dbfs  = 1 

instr 1 

insnd   = 10                ;"marimba.aif"
ibasfrq = 44100 / ftlen(insnd)      ;use original sample rate of insnd file 

kamp   expseg .001, p3/2, .7, p3/2, .8  ;envelope
kpitch line ibasfrq, p3, ibasfrq * .8 
kdens  line 600, p3, 10 
kaoff  line 0, p3, .1
kpoff  line 0, p3, ibasfrq * .5 
kgdur  line .04, p3, .001       ;shorten duration of grain during note
imaxgdur =  .5 
igfn = p4               ;different windows
asigL  grain kamp, kpitch, kdens, kaoff, kpoff, kgdur, insnd, igfn, imaxgdur, 0.0 
asigR  grain kamp, kpitch, kdens, kaoff, kpoff, kgdur, insnd, igfn, imaxgdur, 0.0 
       outs asigL, asigR

f1  0 512  20 2     ;Hanning window 
f2  0 512  20 6 1   ;Gaussian window 
f10 0 16384 1 "marimba.aif" 0 0 0 

i1 0 5 1        ;use Hanning window 
i1 + 5 2        ;use Gaussian window
tjingboem commented 1 year ago


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;RT audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o delay.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr     = 44100
ksmps  = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

instr    1

adel    init 0
ilev    = p4                ;level of direct sound
idelay  = p5 *.001          ;Delay in ms
ifd = p6                ;feedback

ain diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 1
adel    delay   ain + (adel*ifd), idelay;ifd = amount of feedback
asig    moogvcf adel, 1500, .6, 1   ;color feedback
    outs    asig*ilev, ain


;Delay is in ms
i 1  0  5  1.5  200 .95 ;with feedback
i 1  +  5  1.5  20  .95
i 1  +  3  1.5  5   .95
i 1  +  7  2    5    0  ;no feedback

tjingboem commented 1 year ago


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac     ;;;real-time audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o exciter.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

0dbfs =1

; by Menno Knevel 2023

instr 1 ; excited sound + original sound

a1 diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 3.5
a2 exciter a1, 3000, 20000, 10, 10  ;generate uneven harmonics at maximum setting
     outs a2+a1, a2+a1

instr 2 ; original sound for comparison

a1 diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 3.5
   outs a1, a1

instr 3 ; the effect of the excited sound only

a1 diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 3.5
a2 exciter a1, 3000, 20000, 10, 10  ;generate uneven harmonics at maximum setting
   outs a2, a2

i1 0 5
i2 5 5
i3 10 4.5
csounder commented 2 months ago

These are all really nice.

- Dr.B

Dr. Richard Boulanger


Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing & Technology Division

On Thu, Feb 2, 2023 at 3:44 PM Menno Knevel @.***> wrote:


; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform -odac ;;;real-time audio out ;-iadc ;;;uncomment -iadc if RT audio input is needed too ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below: ; -o exciter.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform sr=44100 ksmps=32 nchnls=2 0dbfs =1 ; by Menno Knevel 2023 instr 1 ; excited sound + original sound a1 diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 3.5 a2 exciter a1, 3000, 20000, 10, 10 ;generate uneven harmonics at maximum setting outs a2+a1, a2+a1 endin instr 2 ; original sound for comparison a1 diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 3.5 outs a1, a1 endin instr 3 ; the effect of the excited sound only a1 diskin2 "Mathews.wav", 1, 3.5 a2 exciter a1, 3000, 20000, 10, 10 ;generate uneven harmonics at maximum setting outs a2, a2 endin i1 0 5 i2 5 5 i3 10 4.5 e

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tjingboem commented 2 months ago

good that you mention this; i forgot all about this. will add these examples soon....

csounder commented 2 months ago

I have been catching up and running all the newer examples.  Wow.. the granular by Giordani too... wow..  and yours... wonderful!Dr. Richard BoulangerProfessorElectronic Production and DesignBerklee College of MusicOn Jun 13, 2024, at 3:36 AM, Menno Knevel @.***> wrote:

good that you mention this; i forgot all about this. will add these examples soon.... — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

tjingboem commented 2 months ago

these examples are now added