csound / manual

Csound Reference Manual (English)
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lonely opcodes #721

Closed tjingboem closed 1 month ago

tjingboem commented 2 months ago
tjingboem commented 2 months ago

check ou the list of lonely opcodes

  1. add Arduino / serialport opcodes
  2. add wii opcodes
  3. P5 glove opcodes
    • [x] change link to Midi Input opcodes to MIDI input and Initialization opcodes
tjingboem commented 2 months ago


csounder commented 2 months ago

All the lonely opcodes Where do they all come from? https://genius.com/4459117/The-beatles-eleanor-rigby/All-the-lonely-people-where-do-they-all-come-from All the lonely opcodes Where do they all belong? https://genius.com/2116202/The-beatles-eleanor-rigby/All-the-lonely-people-where-do-they-all-belong

I could not HELP (I need somebody) myself.

- Dr.B

Dr. Richard Boulanger


Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing & Technology Division

On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 1:47 PM Menno Knevel @.***> wrote:

ToDoList of lonely opcodes

  • oversample, undersample, opcode, xin, xout, endop --> UDO opcodes
  • elapsedcycles, elapsedtime, eventcycles, and eventtime, lastcycle
  • += --> which category?
  • !
  • <<
  • resonbnk --> new manual page Streaming LPC opcodes
  • Model and Emulations --> link naar STK
  • cell
  • centroid
  • cell
  • centroid
  • ceps
  • chani sofwarebus opcodes
  • compilecsd
  • count
  • cpumeter
  • ctrlpreset opcodes
  • directory
  • evalstr
  • exitnow
  • faust opcodes --> new manual page Faust opcodes
  • farey --> which category?
  • filescal --> which category?
  • flashtxt
  • fmanal
  • fmax/fmin/fmod
  • framebuffer
  • ftsamplebank
  • gtadsr
  • getftargs
  • getseed
  • hypot
  • lag
  • lagud
  • lufs
  • median k
  • metro : Instrument Control:Sensing and Control but what kind? Tempo and Sequencing?
  • midifilestatus : Instrument Control:Sensing and Control but what kind?
  • mp3
  • msstereo : Panning and Spatialization but what kind?
  • nchnls_hw
  • nstance
  • nstrnum
  • olabuffer
  • p5
  • p
  • part2txt
  • paulstretch
  • pcount
  • pindex
  • pitch
  • pitchamdf
  • plltrack
  • product
  • ptrack
  • pvsbandwidth
  • pvsceps
  • pvsfromarray
  • pvspitch
  • pvstrace
  • pvs2tab
  • pwd
  • qinf qnan
  • readf i
  • readscore
  • remove
  • return
  • rnd
  • s
  • schedulek
  • sequ
  • select
  • serial opcodes --> new manual page
  • seqtime typo
  • setksmps
  • signum
  • splitrig
  • strfromurl
  • strstrip
  • tabifd
  • tablefilter
  • tableicopy
  • tableigpw
  • trigexpseg
  • trighold
  • triglinseg
  • tvconv
  • vcella
  • wii --> new manual page WII opcodes
  • writescratch, readscratch : Instrument Control:Sensing and Control but what kind?

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