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improve and extend all Scanned Synthesis examples #757

Open tjingboem opened 1 week ago

tjingboem commented 1 week ago

Now that both matrix systems for binary and text are transparent and clear, re-examine all Scanned Synthesis examples. And give them clear basic examples.

per opcode:

in general:

tjingboem commented 3 days ago

Re 10. Add Note to scanu and scanu2: Note: Both scanu and scanu2 are capable of reading the binary (.matrxB) and text (.matrxT) matrix format. However, using scanu2 is to be prefferred because of its accuracy and better sound quality.

csounder commented 2 days ago

NiceDr. Richard BoulangerProfessorElectronic Production and DesignBerklee College of MusicOn Sep 13, 2024, at 10:44 AM, Menno Knevel @.***> wrote: Re 10. Add Note to scanu and scanu2: Note: Both scanu and scanu2 are capable of reading the binary (.matrxB) and text (.matrxT) matrix format. However, using scanu2 is to be prefferred because of its accuracy and better sound quality.

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tjingboem commented 23 hours ago

example for scansmap:

0dbfs = 1

; by Menno Knevel - 2024
; listen carefully: changes are subtle as only one node of the 128 is replaced each time!

instr 1 ;replace 2 nodes- first 5 then 89

a0 init 0
irate = .002                              ; rather fast scanning rate
; scanu2 init, irate, ifndisplace, ifnmass, ifnmatrix, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass,
scanu2     1,  irate,      6,         2,         3,        4,        5,     2,\
           9,      .01,    .01,   .1,    .9,    0,     0,     a0,    0,   1
 ;    kmtrxstiff, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright, kpos, kdisplace, ain, idisp, id
kpos,kvel   scanmap     1, 1, 1, p4              ; just read what is going on with node 
            scansmap    p5, p6, 1, 1, 1, p4      ; set new parameters for this node     

prints "\nnode %d: set position to %0.1f, set velocity to %0.1f \n", p4, p5, p6
printks "         present  amplitude = %f, position = %f\n", .2, kvel, kpos

a1  scans ampdb(87), cpspch(7.00), 7,    1
a1  butlp   a1, 1500                             ; low pass filter   
asig  dcblock a1
outs asig*.00002, asig*.00002                   



f1 0 128 -7 0 28 0 2 1 2 0 96 0     ; a pluck that is 10 points wide on the surface
f2 0 128 -7 1 128 1                 ; Masses
f3 0 16384 -23 "string-128.matrxB"  ; Spring matrix
f4 0 128 -7 1 128 1 ; uniform initial centering
f5 0 128 -7 1 128 1                 ; uniform damping
f6 0 128 -7 .01 128 .01             ; uniform initial velocity
f7 0 128 -7 1 128 128              ; trajectory

i1  0.0 5   5   0   0
i1  5.0 5   89  0   0
i1  11.0    5   5   0   1
i1  16.0    5   89  0   1
i1  22.0    5   5   1   0
i1  27.0    5   89  1   0
i1  33.0    5   5   1   1
i1  38.0    5   89  1   1

tjingboem commented 6 hours ago
  1. using not scans but other table opcodes that now get moving tables to work with. In this case foscil Strange things happen, but it does work

    instr 1 ;Scanned Synthesis
initial ftgenonce 1, 0, 128, 10, 1, .3, .5, 1                         ; initial position = sine wave
idispl  ftgenonce 2, 0, 128, -7, .01, 128, .04             ; displace
imass   ftgenonce 3, 0, 128, -7, .5, 128, 5                 ; masses
icent   ftgenonce 4, 0, 128, -7, .01, 128, .01                 ; centering
idamp   ftgenonce 5, 0, 128, -7, -.1, 128, -.1             ; damping
itraj   ftgenonce 6, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 128               ; trajectory

a0 = 0
kline line .01, p3, 0                                                             ; envelope

;scanu2 init, irate, ifndisplace, ifnmass, imatrix, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass, kmtrxstiff, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright, kpos, kdisplace, ain, idisp, id
scanu2   1,   .002,     2,          3,       100,       4,       5,      10,      6,       0.1,    .9,     .5,    .1,     0,      0,     a0,    0,   -2
;ares foscili xamp,    kcps, xcar,  xmod,kndx [, ifn, iphs]
a1  foscil   p5*kline,   p4, 1.141, .01,   1,      2
a1  dcblock a1  

outs a1, a1

f100 0  0   -44  "/media/datae/CsoundManual7/Menno_changes/matrices/string_128.matrxT"    ; text matrix

i1  0.0 12  100 0.7
tjingboem commented 6 hours ago

possible example for scanu

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
; Audio out   Audio in    No messages
-odac             ;;;RT audio I/O
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o scanu.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

    instr 1

a0  = 0          ; no external input
;   scanu init, irate, ifnvel, ifnmass, ifnstif, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass, kstif, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright, kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id
    scanu 1,     p6,    6,       2,       3,     4,        5,       2,     .1,    .1,     -.02,  .1,    .5,     0,    0,        a0,  0,     2
;ar scans kamp,      kfreq,      ifntraj, id
a1  scans ampdb(p4), cpspch(p5), 7,       2
a1  *= 0.00006                                        ; lower amplitude due to 0dbfs  = 1
a1  dcblock2  a1                                      ; remove DC offset
outs a1, a1

f1 0 128 7 0 64 1 64 0                               ; Initial condition
f2 0 128 -7 1 64 .45 64 1                                ; Masses
f3 0 16384 -23 "string-128.matrix"             ; Spring matrices
f4 0 128 -7 0 64 1 64 0                                ; Centering force
f5 0 128 -7 0 64 1 64 0                                ; Damping
f6 0 128 -7 0 128 0                                ; Initial velocity
f7 0 128 -7 0 64 127 64 0                       ; Trajectories

i1 0 8 86 6.00 0.001  ; fast updates of the mass state
i1 8 10 86 6.00 0.005 ; slower updating...
i1 18 120 86 6.00 0.1 ; ..and updating much slower still

tjingboem commented 6 hours ago
  1. all relevant information from the old issue (now closed) #535

a negative value for the initial condition (meaning the hammer shape) caused the surface to be plucked from the center and to ignore upPluck and downPluck

Also, were you aware that: the two pluck locations (the parms prior to kPos and kStrenghth) are for an upPluckPosition and a downPluckPosition (and that they only work if the init (surface initial condition - (or 'hammer') is a negative number

And, you might agree with me that the idea of a 'hammer' doesn't really make sense if your have a matrix that creates a three dimensional surface? I am not sure, but I think that there might be a better metaphor - (like a mold) because it is actually an initial surface contour prior to excitation

Note also - that ifnstif - is not a stiffness function at all - it is the connection matrix - there is a kstif parameter, which adjusts the stiffness of the springs from a controller or over time - to me these are 'push' variables - where you are pushing on the evolving surface - here and there or inflating or deflating the masses, or...

tjingboem commented 4 hours ago
  1. using scanu2 to mess with the table for the grain opcode

    instr 1 ;Scanned Synthesis
initial ftgenonce 1, 0, 128, 10, 1                         ; initial position = sine wave
idispl  ftgenonce 2, 0, 128, -7, .01, 128, .01             ; displace
imass   ftgenonce 3, 0, 128, -7, 5, 128, 5                 ; masses
icent   ftgenonce 4, 0, 128, -7, .01, 128, .1               ; centering
idamp   ftgenonce 5, 0, 128, -7, -.1, 128, -.21             ; damping
itraj   ftgenonce 6, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 128               ; trajectory
i_      ftgen 20, 0, 16384, 7, 0, 4096, 1, 4096, 0.3333, 8192, 0   ; window
a0 = 0
kline line .05, p3, 0                                                             ; envelope
kgdur   port 1000, 0.1, 20
kgdur   =  kgdur / p4
;scanu2 init, irate, ifndisplace, ifnmass, imatrix, ifncentr, ifndamp, kmass, kmtrxstiff, kcentr, kdamp, ileft, iright, kpos, kdisplace, ain, idisp, id
scanu2   1,   .0005,     2,          3,       100,       4,       5,      20,      30,       0.1,    .9,     .5,    .1,     0,      0,     a0,    0,   -2
a1 grain2 p4, p4, kgdur, 25, 2, 20
a2 grain2 p4, p4, kgdur, 25, 2, 20
a1  dcblock a1 * kline 
a2  dcblock a2 * kline 
outs a1, a2

f100 0  0   -44  "/media/datae/CsoundManual7/Menno_changes/matrices/string_128.matrxT"    ; text matrix

i1  0.0 20  466     0.7


Sounding result: Scanned_grain.wav.zip