csowada / ebus-configuration

This is the community repository for the configuration file of the eBUS library
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Help needed to read vr_71 SensorData1 (and similar) #8

Open mwildbolz opened 4 years ago

mwildbolz commented 4 years ago

SensorData1 is transmitted from VR 71 regularly - i want to include some of the sensor values (S1-S7) into openHAB and I'm not able to get a working configuration for this. Need help...

Heating System

Vaillant VWF 114 with VRC700 controller Vaillant VR 71 ...

An example telegram

vr_71 SensorData1 = 21.12;19.88;19.25;-;20.38;-;-;40 3c

ebusctl read -h 26B5230106

Your Device Table or master/slave addresses

MA | SA | Identifier     | Device         | Manufacture               | ID | Firmware   | Hardware   | Last Activity  
FF | 04 |                | <interface>    | eBUS Library              |    | null       | null       | ---            
FF | 04 |                | <interface>    | eBUS Library              |    | null       | null       | Sat Apr 04 14:37:22 CEST 2020
10 | 15 |                | ---            | null                      |    | null       | null       | Sat Apr 04 14:37:22 CEST 2020
31 | 36 |                | ---            | null                      |    | null       | null       | Sat Apr 04 14:37:22 CEST 2020
   | 26 | 56 52 5F 37 31 | ---            | Joh. Vaillant GmbH & Co.  | B5 | 1.04       | 5.03       | Sat Apr 04 14:37:22 CEST 2020
71 | 76 | 56 57 5A 30 30 | ---            | Joh. Vaillant GmbH & Co.  | B5 | 3.07       | 4.03       | Sat Apr 04 14:37:22 CEST 2020
03 | 08 |                | ---            | null                      |    | null       | null       | Sat Apr 04 14:37:22 CEST 2020
mwildbolz commented 4 years ago

I already tried the generated file VR_71.26.vr_71_configuration.json from ebus-ebusd-configuration project - but I didn't get it to run. Thing is here, I can link the channel, polling request is sent but the OH item doesn't get a value. The underlying ebusd shows a correct value.

What's missing?

mwildbolz commented 3 years ago

@csowada Could you point me into the right direction? As I said, polling requests are generated but no values in openhab are arriving...

It seems that the folling error message is related to the problem: [.csdev.ebus.core.EBusEbusdController] - Error while parsing ebusd response: :ERR: invalid numeric argument

What could I do to get futher? I'm using the most current version of ebusd, ebus-binding and openhab...