csphere-cms / cSphere

Generic PHP Web-CMS with low footprint and high extensibility
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Mention users by using the @ notation #21

Open ebroda opened 10 years ago

ebroda commented 10 years ago

" @somebody" links to the user somebody and notices the user (as on facebook)

see also https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=2139898

DSchalla commented 10 years ago

While this is a cool feature, I would limit it to textareas like in news and forums. The best would be to add a option to it. Opinions, @etb09?

ebroda commented 10 years ago

see also #11

Yeah, this feature should only be available on specific text areas. I thought about Comments and Board Threads. Everytime there is an interaction between the users :-)