css-modules / postcss-icss-values

Pass arbitrary constants between your module files
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Is it possible to use the negative value of a variable? #64

Open axelson opened 8 years ago

axelson commented 8 years ago

So if I have:

@value button-size: 55px;

Can I do something like:

position: absolute;
left: -button-size;
joshwnj commented 8 years ago

I haven't tried this, but you might be able to use postcss-calc and do:

left: calc(button-size * -1);
joshwnj commented 8 years ago

Edited my above comment to remove the incorrect part :)

@axelson just did a quick try using calc as above, and it works. The only catch I found is you need to make sure the postcss-calc plugin runs after CSS Modules.

axelson commented 8 years ago

Thanks, although I would prefer a solution that doesn't require adding in another postcss plugin. For now I'm just using scss variables when I need to negate them.

apacsa commented 7 years ago

You can achieve that with CSS variables:

:root {
  --button-size: 55px;

.someclass {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(-1 * var(--button-size));
wilmer2000 commented 4 years ago

You can achieve that with CSS variables:

:root {
  --button-size: 55px;

.someclass {
  position: absolute;
  left: calc(-1 * var(--button-size));

Thank you so much!!!

vmaksym commented 4 years ago

left: calc(- var(--button-size));

y0nd0 commented 4 years ago

Weird, this does not work.

does not work

--dash: 500;
stroke-dashoffset: calc(-var(--dash));
/* or */
stroke-dashoffset: calc(var(--dash) * -1);


stroke-dashoffset: -500;

also works (positive value / wrong direction)

stroke-dashoffset: var(--dash);

What's wrong?

Update: Ok I think it's because this value cannot be animated. (btw. it's in a keyframe animation) My solution is to create two variables. Positive and the negative one.

brenndap commented 3 years ago

just leaving something that can help anyone

transform: translateX(calc(-1 * calc(var(--sidebar-width) - var(--sidebar-collapsed-width))));

this works for me :)

CreativeDive commented 3 years ago

@apacsa really nice trick ;-)