css-modules / postcss-icss-values

Pass arbitrary constants between your module files
MIT License
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Multiple values in a media query #68

Open gbrassey opened 7 years ago

gbrassey commented 7 years ago

In regular CSS you can use a comma to separate two or more media query rules:

@media (min-width: 700px), handheld and (orientation: landscape) { ... }

But doing the same with modules-values causes a break:

@value desktopQuery from "styles/variables/breakpoints.css";
@value tabletQuery from "styles/variables/breakpoints.css";

@media desktopQuery, tabletQuery { ... }

Looking at the compiled CSS, only the last value is properly inserted into the document:

@media i__const_desktopQuery_50, (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1024px) { ... }

Is there some syntax that I'm missing. I realize that it is not possible to set multiple values on a single line but is there some workaround for this use case?