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Using GloVe Vectors within Github #5

Open policyglot opened 5 years ago

policyglot commented 5 years ago

I've finished my core 4 models and 5 alternatives. But like I mentioned in our Literature Review meeting, I'd like to learn methods from the homework that I can apply in my research project too. So I'm testing out using GloVe.

I downloaded the embeddings, but they're fairly large (822 MB after zipping). Would you like me to upload them into Github, so that the Jupyter file can access them and run correctly? I'm curious if there's some other way of accessing the embeddings without having to make heavy uploads on Github.

bensoltoff commented 5 years ago

I wouldn't bother committing/pushing them. You could if you use Git LFS, but otherwise you'll get an error trying to push to GitHub.