css / csso

CSS minifier with structural optimizations
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usage with webpack as es module #451

Closed selul closed 2 years ago

selul commented 2 years ago


I'm trying to use csso library with webpack as es module. The entry file is:

import { minify } from "csso";

and on the output file, I get

const version_require = (0,external_module_namespaceObject.createRequire)("file:///<path>/node_modules/.pnpm/csso@5.0.2/node_modules/csso/lib/version.js");

which throws an error since versions.js is not present in the final build.

Any idea what could be wrong? I see that version.js is not used in the internal library code but since this package.json is not using sideEffects:false the tree shaking mechanism will still include this in the final build.

Also, I would like to mention that the version before 5.0 is working fine, so it might be something related to the dual build mechanism implemented in 5.0.

Any help is appreciated.

lahmatiy commented 2 years ago

@selul I see, that there is a problem with version module in dist. However, your issue is not related to it.

Originally, lib/version.js module looks like this:

import { createRequire } from 'module';

const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);

export const { version } = require('../package.json');

Webpack converts it into:

const version_require = (0,external_module_namespaceObject.createRequire)("file:///<path>/node_modules/.pnpm/csso@5.0.2/node_modules/csso/lib/version.js");

So "file:///<path>/node_modules/.pnpm/csso@5.0.2/node_modules/csso/lib/version.js" is substituted value of import.meta.url. That's known issue, that webpack doesn't play well with require('module') / createRequire. That's why a special version of version.js is used in dist which defined via browser field for bundling purposes. Probably brower field is disabled in your setup?

selul commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for the insights, from checking my webpack config I don't do anything in particular that could affect browser config.

    externals: {
        "aws-sdk": "aws-sdk"
    optimization: {
        minimize: false,
    externalsType: "node-commonjs",
    mode: "production",
    stats: "minimal",
    target: "node14",
    watch: false, 
    experiments: {
        outputModule: true,
    devtool: "inline-cheap-module-source-map", 
    output: {
        module: true,
        library: {
            type: "module",
        filename: "index.mjs",
        path: resolve( "./dist/" ),

As for the package.json the only thing that is related to this is having:

 "sideEffects": false,
 "type": "module",
lahmatiy commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your webpack config. I tried it with (latest versions):

webpack: 5.70.0
webpack-cli: 4.9.2

And bundle seems to work (no exceptions). I suppose, the problem is connected with target: "node14" which is disabling usage of browser field in package.json.

You also could try:

selul commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for feedback, adding resolve: { aliasFields: ["browser"] } solved the issue.