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Publish to Maven Central #95

Closed DarkAtra closed 9 months ago

DarkAtra commented 9 months ago

Would it be possible to publish all artifacts to maven central?

carlosame commented 9 months ago

I don't publish anything to Maven Central (MC), and the reasons are explained in this post.

In short:

1) I have the very unpopular opinion that it's a court the one that has to decide who indemnifies who, and by which amount; not Sonatype Inc. They have big money (from large investors) behind them, and they make money from MC. I don't make any money out of my artifacts, and it would be really stupid to accept those silly terms of use.

2) Consider what would happen if they change the terms of use for "producers" (i.e. the guys that publish artifacts to MC) and you no longer agree with them. Look at the following from the Producer Terms:

"We may change the Terms of Service at any time without any notice to you. It is your responsibility to review the Terms of Service from time to time for any changes as it creates binding legal agreement between you and Sonatype. If you use the Central Repository or make submissions after we've changed any of the Terms of Service, you are agreeing to all of the changes. Again, if you do not agree, don't use the Central Repository."

How can you prove that you aren't using the Central Repository? You can't. So in summary, if you do not agree you can only STFU and accept that your artifacts will be distributed under the new terms. And they do not even need to notify you of the change in the terms, because you agreed to "review the Terms of Service from time to time". You become the notification.

So I won't be publishing artifacts to MC, and do not understand the people that do. And I wonder if any corporate developer submitting artifacts to MC has ever asked for approval from the legal department of their company.

DarkAtra commented 9 months ago

Is there an alternative to maven central that i could use? E.g. some other well established maven repository i could get your artifacts from.

My main issue with https://css4j.github.io/maven/ is that it's reliability and availability is not guaranteed. Github Packages seems to work but is rather annoying as it requires additional authentication with static credentials (when you're accessing artifacts from outside of github).

carlosame commented 9 months ago

Is there an alternative to maven central that i could use? E.g. some other well established maven repository i could get your artifacts from.

No AFAIK, because there is no real competition. All the other repos belong to specific products: Atlassian, Spring, JBoss...

My main issue with https://css4j.github.io/maven/ is that it's reliability and availability is not guaranteed.

Why do you say that it is unreliable? It gives you a public history of changes which Maven Central never will. In Maven Notes I say that I do not control the hosting (Github does) and therefore cannot give service guarantees, which is true.

My concern is that Apache Maven is designed in a way that punishes small repositories, treating alternative repos as Central-like servers and hitting them with potentially thousands of requests that they cannot handle (404 Not Found). If at some point Github decides that this is unacceptable (and probably is), it may terminate the service. But let's use it meanwhile.

Moreover this project is not to blame for the monopolistic behaviors of Apache Maven, which I consider a de facto open core software (I mean, with Sonatype's Nexus product you can configure which Maven repos serve which group Ids, for example, and guess who used to pay the core Maven developers). If people used Gradle instead of Maven I would not have the above concern about the 404s, as Gradle does not do that.

Github Packages seems to work but is rather annoying as it requires additional authentication with static credentials (when you're accessing artifacts from outside of github).

Github Packages isn't a real alternative so far.

DarkAtra commented 9 months ago

Why do you say that it is unreliable?

I was mainly refering the uptime guarantees. But, there's also nothing stopping you from just taking the repo down. Not to say that i expect such a thing to happen but i still have to justify why there's another repo configured for our project.

My concern is that Apache Maven is designed in a way that punishes small repositories, treating alternative repos as Central-like servers and hitting them with potentially thousands of requests that they cannot handle (404 Not Found). If at some point Github decides that this is unacceptable (and probably is), it may terminate the service. But let's use it meanwhile.

I get your concerns, i'm just looking at it from a usage perspective. Maven Central guarantees that packages are (almost) never deleted and had almost no downtimes in the past.

Moreover this project is not to blame for the monopolistic behaviors of Apache Maven, which I consider a de facto open core software (I mean, with Sonatype's Nexus product you can configure which Maven repos serve which group Ids, for example, and guess who used to pay the core Maven developers). If people used Gradle instead of Maven I would not have the above concern about the 404s, as Gradle does not do that.

I'm not blaming anyone, again: i get your point. I was just hoping that this would make it easier to use the lib.

Github Packages isn't a real alternative so far.
