cssat / sprout-issues

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Feature request: Address book for use in Visit Report transport details #231

Open subaykan opened 6 months ago

subaykan commented 6 months ago

Feature request from provider, capturing here for backlog

Having a set of address options to choose from when entering transport details start and end locations. Suggestion was to allow users to enter a set of addresses at the referral level, and then select from those in filling out the transport detail.

In some cases it might make sense to have user level or organization level addresses.

(Note: I think this requires a lot of thinking and analysis to consider a variety of user needs, confidentiality concerns, and the right data model and UX.)

entry from support ticket:

Hello Sprout Team, While talking with one of our providers she mentioned how cumbersome it is adding each address in each box and offered up a solution. We wanted to run it by your team to see if it was even doable in Sprout. Making a box on the referral portion that allows providers to enter actual addresses such as the starting address, visit locations, and accurate placements. Similar to the visit location portion that is available now. Then having the addresses as a drop down or a bubble option on the reports instead of having to enter the addresses several times on each report. Right now the addresses have separate boxes for the street, state, zip which is very time consuming to enter. Thanks!