csscomb / jetbrains-csscomb

CSScomb plugin for JetBrains IDEs: IDEA, PyCharm, WebStorm, PhpStorm, RubyMine
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Webstorm 2017.2 - Error running 'CSScomb': Cannot run program #9

Open Alecto opened 7 years ago

Alecto commented 7 years ago

Error running 'CSScomb': Cannot run program "D:\node_modules\csscomb\bin\csscomb" (in directory "D:\Temp\www\root"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 не является приложением Win32

I did everything according to the instructions. https://image.prntscr.com/image/UdYWI8nEQG6bTSEEdJZCBw.png

In the project's root is .csscomb.json from samples https://image.prntscr.com/image/sWZuYEdQRoSwgPE8lOyyZQ.png

but i have the error (((

Please help me figure out where my mistake is.

Alecto commented 6 years ago

any help?

ryanpagel commented 6 years ago

I get the same error.

yakovlevkll commented 6 years ago

The problem is that Windows system cannot open file with no extension from csscomb\bin\csscomb.

So I solved the problem this way:

  1. Install csscomb globally npm i -g csscomb.
  2. Run npm config get prefix and copy outputted path.
  3. In IDE, in External tool path insert copied path and add \csscomb.cmd.
  4. Don't forget to put your .csscomb.json in the root of you project folder.

My arguments and working directory are $FilePath$ -t, and $FileDir$ respectively.